Press release -

Generator set Legislation are we doing the right thing.

The event saddened us so much that we put a charity banner on our web site pointing people to the donation page on the bikers web site. Kim reports that the Tennessee State Capitol is trying to legislate with house bill 2734 to ensure that RV's have carbon monoxide detectors fitted. This is a great initiative but we at think that we might be missing the point somewhat. We welcome all initiatives that bring carbon monoxide into the public domain but the message has to be the right one.

Our online Dr. and toxicologist David Penney raised his concerns with me last year at a meeting in the House of Lords, when we visited a number of organisations to get the message out in the UK. He said that he was very concerned that the labelling of generators inadequate in most cases and down right dangerous in others. If there are warning on the generator at all it will say, "Must not be enclosed area." What is an enclosed area — what is the definition? Some people might think that a garage would be OK if you leave the door open, IT IS NOT. They also show graphics like a dark cloud, those of us who know about the dangers are well aware that CO (carbon monoxide) does not present like a fog or a puff of smoke. We know it as the silent killer but it is also invisible with no smell and is tasteless, you will not see a cloud. The label may also say, "Locate away from buildings." What does this mean 2 feet 10 metres? I had the same conversation with a Lawyer yesterday who had documents released to him under the freedom of information from a well know manufacturer. He rather uncharacteristically swore when he explained the findings. He said that in his view the manufactures couldn't give a ****, they put profit above everything else.

These units are often rented, so whilst the CO detector initiative must be welcomed I would like to pose you this scenario. Rent a car without a licence (i.e., not knowing how to safely operate the vehicle) and the guy that rents you the car says no worries it has a seat belt. I am sure that anyone reading this would be outraged. Well, that is what is happening with generators. Without any clue how to use a generator safely you can rent or buy a generator and take pot luck as to whether you are going to survive or be badly injured through lack of education.

We all remember news stories that have shocked us but do we know what to do in similar circumstances?


  • Law


  • carbon
  • carbon monoxide
  • death
  • doctor
  • doctors
  • expert
  • fire fighters
  • help
  • injury
  • monoxide
  • medical
  • legal
  • law

Carbon monoxide the silent menace, are you being affected.


Rob Aiers

Press contact Communications Director Communication 1 888 414 8680