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Swedish RPG Adventure Box listed on Google Chrome Experiments

Google Chrome Experiments has listed the Swedish RPG Adventure Box as an interesting HTML5 project. This has resulted in more curiosity and visitors to the companies website,

Since the listing last week the traffic to the website has tenfolded from around 100 visits per day to 1 000 per day. 

Adventure Box is a voxel-based role-playing game/city builder. It’s built on the Goo engine, using HTML5 technologies, and it takes place in procedurally generated voxel worlds, in the browser.

Chrome Experiments is a showcase of web experiments written by the creative coding community. All of them are built in HTML5 and JavaScript using open web technologies such as Canvas, WebGL,WebRTC, and Portable Native Client. Each experiment is submitted by the creator.


  • Entertainment


  • citybuilder
  • voxel-based
  • indiegame
  • adventure box
  • htlm5
  • chrome experiments