Press release -

Nougat shows egg-free potential

Cost-cutting proteins move into quality confectionery

Soft French nougat from Montelimar has added another perspective to the egg replacement expertise of Arla Foods Ingredients.
In response to a customer inquiry from China, the bakery team has developed a solution for replacing the egg whites in nougat with the whey protein isolate NUTRILAC® BK-9250.
Up to 40% cost saving
Martin Kristensen, bakery technical manager, quotes a potential cost saving of 30-40% when replacing high quality crystalline egg white.
“French nougat is widely popular in Asia, particularly in China. But because egg white can fluctuate in quality, maintaining a high standard is normally expensive,” he adds.
“With our protein, a consistent quality is easier to achieve at lower cost.”
Whipped to perfection
Application trials with the new nougat formulation have revealed that NUTRILAC® BK-9250 offers more than just financial benefits.
Nougat performance is improved due to the excellent whipping properties, producing a stable foam with high air-retaining capacity.
Compared to egg white, the protein is easier to handle, requires no cold storage and has an 18-month shelf life. The risk of microbiological contamination is also minimum. And, while crystalline egg white requires pre-soaking for six hours, NUTRILAC® BK-9250 can be put to work immediately.
A new door opens
“Our work with nougat has opened another door of opportunity within egg replacement. There are always exciting new ideas to investigate,” Kristensen remarks.
Arla Foods Ingredients already provides a range of successful egg replacement solutions for sponge cakes, muffins, meringues and other bakery products.

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