Press release -

Top award for excellent customer service

Global research organisation Frost & Sullivan recognises Arla Foods Ingredients with a 2010 Global Customer Value Enhancement Award

Frost & Sullivan has singled out Arla Foods Ingredients as a solution provider that proactively creates value for customers. Above all, the global research organisation praises the integrated customer approach – Twintell® – as the driving force behind the company’s success.
Based on this evaluation, Frost & Sullivan has selected Arla Foods Ingredients as recipient of its 2010 Global Customer Value Enhancement Award within dairy proteins.
Beyond good service
“This award recognises the company’s inordinate focus on enhancing the value that its customer receive, beyond simply good customer service'', explains Frost & Sullivan in the award report.
''The company continues to add value to its customers at every step of product development, time to market and the economics of implementation''. Frost & Sullivan monitors the performance of more than 250,000 companies within 300 industries. In its positive assessment of Arla Foods Ingredients, the organisation has focused on four main factors: the customer centric approach, market-driven innovation, the strong research and development platform, and widespread customer recognition.
Fast to market with Twintell®
The three-step Twintell® Application Programme, in particular, has captured attention.
“It is very encouraging for us to know that Twintell® has made an impression. This is an important tool in providing customers with a complete chain of support from idea conception through product development to production and marketing of the final food product. Our structured approach ensures time schedules are met,” says Henrik Andersen, Arla Foods Ingredients CEO.
Needs-based innovation
With regard to market-driven innovation, Frost & Sullivan refers to the commercialisation of new speciality milk proteins, such as caseinoglycomacropeptide (CGMP) for people with phenylketenuria, and osteopontin (OPN) for infant nutrition. All such successful development are the result of an ongoing R&D programme supported by Arla Foods Ingredients’ new, sophisticated application centre in Denmark.
Customer recognition
The culmination of these efforts is customer recognition, such as the “Most innovative supplier” award presented by Danone in Mexico.
“This clearly demonstrates the close working relations and customer centric approach of Arla Foods Ingredients,” Frost & Sullivan reports.
Henrik Andersen welcomes the Frost & Sullivan award, which reconfirms Arla Foods Ingredients’ strategic direction.
“This award echoes what our own experiences have already told us: that a committed, customer-oriented approach, combined with our leading edge technology, secures the progress that brings us towards our strategic goals.”