Blog post -

You have to trust in the abilities of ship and crew.

Hello world!

I am the emperor penguin Bowie, the mascot of Bowspirit Kids, on the beautiful Ekström Ice Shelf in the north of Antarctica near Neumayer-Station III.

Some of you guys might be afraid to leave their kid alone on a ship. Especially if it had just survived a serious illness ...

Maybe you are scared of what you can't control. And you cannot control the sea. Nobody can do that. Here you have to trust in the abilities of ship and crew.

For parents who have similar fears that means they have to trust us that the ship will only be operated according to the highest safety standards and we do not take any risks. We do not have to keep to a timetable or anything like that, and we can, for example, wait for a storm pass by in port in complete relaxation.

If you should feel fears, I ask only three rational (!) things to think through:

First of all, every ship licensed to carry passengers must be designed in such a way that the passengers are not harmed. And passengers do not mean adult passengers, but all passengers. This means that a ship for passenger transport must, like a building on land, comply with appropriate structural measures so that small children, for example, cannot slip between stairs or similar.

Secondly, the children are never unattended.

And thirdly, when was the last time you heard of a kid or youth who went overboard from a passenger ship? I am not aware of a single case. And every year thousands of children and young people go on a cruise and are by no means permanently "on a lifeline" with their parents.

Have a great time - see you soon!

Yours Bowie 🐧


  • Health Organisations


  • bowie's corner


Michael Speckenbach

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