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Cavidi finalists in Uppsala Innovation Award 2018

Cavidi were proud to be nominated for this year's Innovation Award for the Uppsala region. The award is presented by the Company Association of Sweden and covers all companies and industries.

Cavidi were nominated for developing a combination of a Viral Load test and a Drug Resistance test for HIV and the instrument required to make this available in high disease burden countries.

"It was an honour to be nominated especially when one sees the variety of the companies involved and the number of industries" said John Reisky de Dubnic, CEO of Cavidi. "We represent life science which is an important sector in Uppsala but the other nominees were from completely different industries.

Read more about the awards via the link below.

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  • Medical research


  • sweden
  • cavidi
  • hiv
  • innovation
  • health care


Andrew Oldfield

Press contact Corporate Communications +46(0)702798454