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Cavidi strengthen team with new CFO Marcus Nyberg

Cavidi are preparing the organisation for the launch of the Ziva system with HIV Viral Load being the first test offered on the platform. As part of that process, we have strengthened the team with a new and experienced CFO, Marcus Nyberg.

Marcus has considerable industry experience having previously worked in senior finance positions at several leading companies including Sanofi, Aco Skin Care and Ipsen. Marcus holds a BSc in Finance from Uppsala University and, more recently completed an MBA.

The challenge ahead of Cavidi is to move from a primarily research and product development focus to a fully-fledged commercial organization with a strong customer focus. Marcus has joined Cavidi to strengthen the management of the company and provide the necessary financial expertise to support the development of Cavidi as we scale-up our operations.


  • Medical research


Andrew Oldfield

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