Press release -

Denmark is no longer self-sufficient in energy

Press Release:

For the first time since 1996, Denmark is importing more energy than it exports. The figures are from the Danish Energy Agency’s preliminary energy statistics for 2013. The preliminary statistics also show a continued increase in the use of renewables.

Denmark’s degree of self-sufficiency in energy fell to 93% in 2013 from 102% in 2012. Denmark became self-sufficient in energy in 1997, and in 2004 Denmark produced 56% more energy than it consumed. However, since 2004, the degree of self-sufficiency has dropped due to falling production from the North Sea, and, today, Denmark consumes more energy than it produces. Degree of self-sufficiency is a measure for the ratio between primary energy production and consumption of oil, natural gas, coal, renewables and waste in Denmark.

Looking at the ratio between consumption and production of oil and gas, Denmark continues to be a net exporter; with a self-sufficiency degree of 132% in 2013.

Total primary energy production in Denmark fell by 11.3% to 711 PJ in 2013. Production of crude oil and natural gas fell by 13.0% and 17.7%, respectively, while production of renewable energy grew by 2.7% in 2013 relative to 2012.

Increase in observed energy consumption

Observed Danish energy consumption increased by 0.4% to 763 PJ in 2013 relative to 2012. This development is attributable to an increase in the consumption of coal of 26.3%, while consumption of natural gas and oil dropped by 5.2% and 2.2%, respectively. At the same time, consumption of renewable energy increased by 2.0%. The increase in fuel consumption should be understood in the context of a significant drop in net imports of electricity in 2013, compared with very substantial imports in 2012. Thus, coal consumption is on a par with the level in 2011.

Gross energy consumption adjusted for fluctuations in climate and electricity trade fell by 2.3% last year. Energy consumption fell for all fuel types except renewables.

Increase in CO2 emissions

As a consequence of an increased consumption of coal and a drop in net imports of electricity, observed emissions of CO2 increased by 4.3% in 2013. Adjusted CO2 emissions fell by 3.5% in 2013.

Continued increase in the use of renewables

Renewable energy’s share of energy consumption continues to increase. Renewable energy’s share of adjusted gross energy consumption increased from 23.4% in 2012 to 24.5% in 2013. The primary cause of this increase is an increased use of wind energy and solar energy.

The EU calculates the percentage of renewable energy differently, taking final energy consumption as the point of departure. It is currently not possible to calculate this percentage, but it will be included in the final energy statistics to be published by the Danish Energy Agency in the autumn. In recent years, the renewable energy share according to the EU calculation method has been around 1-2 percentage points higher than in the national statement based on adjusted gross energy consumption.

Table of facts

Attached is a table of facts showing the preliminary statement for 2013 of energy production, energy consumption, CO2 emissions and total greenhouse gas emissions.

Further information on the energy statistics is available on the Danish Energy Agency’s website at - facts and figures.

Further information

Ture Falbe-Hansen, Head of Media Relations, tel. +45 33 92 68 56, mobile: +45 25 13 78 46, e-mail or Jane Rusbjerg, Special Adviser, tel. +45 33 92 68 36, e-mail:

Key Figures from DEA's Preliminary Energy Statistics 2013

Ture Falbe-Hansen
Center for Organisation
Tlf.: 25 13 78 46

Jane Rusbjerg
Center for Klima og Energiøkonomi
Tlf.: 33 92 68 36


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Ture Falbe-Hansen

Press contact Head of Media Relations Danish Energy Agency +45 25 13 78 46

Laura Andersen

Press contact Press Officer +45 33 95 09 06