Press release -

Representing Denmark at the Model CEM

Young delegates discussing the future of clean energy at the Clean Energy Ministerial meeting in Seoul

Danish Minister for Climate, Energy and Building, Mr. Rasmus Helveg Petersen and Danish representative at the Model CEM, Sara Shapiro at the Clean Energy Ministerial in Seoul, South Korea.

As a side event to the fifth Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) in Seoul, the Korean government initiated a Model CEM. The Model CEM is a forum for university student from the CEM member states to discuss clean energy development and implementation. The LCTU student assistant Sara Shapiro participated as the Danish representative for the discussions. Along with young delegates from the participating countries future deployment of RE and EE technologies as well as reduced energy consumption were discussed as means in order to reach clean energy societies.

The goal of facilitating RE and EE development is a shared goal for the LCTU, being part of the fast start finance initiatives. As a result of the Model CEM discussions, a Joint Declaration on Creating a Clean Energy Society was formulated, adopted and later presented to the ministers. Here the importance of international cooperation to share best practices was highlighted. The work of the LCTU as well as the Sino-Danish cooperation can be viewed as examples of such activities.

Model CEM Joint Declaration on Creating a Clean Energy Society

Sara Shapiro
Center for Global Rådgivning og Forhandling
Tlf.: 33 95 43 94


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Press contact Head of Media Relations Danish Energy Agency +45 25 13 78 46

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