Press release -

Vietnam: Vietnamese Delegation in Denmark Learning About Energy Savings in Buildings

A delegation with members from the Vietnamese Ministry of Construction and two main universities for architecture visited Denmark to learn about the Danish model for energy savings in buildings.

The Vietnamese delegation at the Danish Energy Agency

One of the components in the Danish-Vietnamese energy sector project is to assist the Vietnamese Ministry of Construction (MOC) in implementing energy performance standards in the building code. To get inspired by the Danish case a Vietnamese delegation visited Denmark. During a five-day study trip the delegation visited institutions and stakeholders involved in developing and implementing energy performance standards in Danish buildings.

Senior advisor Ulla Blatt Bendtsen from the Danish Energy Agency welcomed the delegation and held a presentation on the Danish energy and climate policy. This was followed by presentations on the organization of the ministry and international cooperation, energy efficiency regulation, and the role of municipalities in strategic energy planning. These presentations served as an introduction to provide an overview of the history and current state of energy efficiency regulation in the building sector and can be found under 'Documents' to the right.

Implementing Energy Performance Standards

The delegation saw several examples of energy efficient buildings, such as the kindergarten “The Solar House”, a building built in 2011 complying with the expected energy standard 2020. Later the zero-energy environmental centre for Copenhagen’s new northern quarter was a natural setting for a presentation by CCO Architects on Zero-energy buildings, a part of the new Danish green building standard.

The new headquarters for the healthcare company Novo Nordisk served as one example of a modern highly energy efficient building.

During a presentation from an independent energy auditor, the process of controlling the energy performance of a new building was unfolded. The energy performance report is presented to the municipality which is the local authority for assessing if the building lives up to the requirements. The role of municipalities was exemplified through a visit to Egedal municipality. This is an interesting case since Egedal has chosen to go beyond current minimum standards.

The Energy Service, a non-governmental institution, later explained how they assist citizens and small/medium sized enterprises in improving the energy performance of their buildings and, also, in saving energy through behavioural change.

The delegation visited Stenløse Syd in Egedal municipality, famous for the ambitious policy of requiring builders to comply with future rather than present national standards on energy efficiency. At present this means that compliance with building class 2020 standards is required – this reduces energy demand by approximately 60 % compared to the already very stringent, national 2010-standard. Here the delegation is seen in front of the solar thermal and biomass fired district-heating plant.

Green Technological Development and Education

A new building code goes hand in hand with technological development since new materials and new design methods are often needed to implement a new building code. Kurt Emil Eriksen from the Active House Alliance made a presentation about developing building materials suitable for the tightening building regulation and changes in demand for energy efficient buildings. Testing of building components was later showcased during a visit to the Technological Institute. Apart from testing energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies the delegation was able to see how the Technological Institute works with spreading information about energy savings in buildings to suppliers, businesses and the public.

The delegation at the Danish Technological Institute

Capacity building within relevant groups of professionals is essential to ensure ability to comply with the building code. During the study trip, the Vietnamese delegation visited both the School of Architecture at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts and the Building Faculty at the Danish Technical University to learn how they integrate energy efficiency in their curriculums.

Measures to make buildings more energy efficient have long been prioritised in Denmark. Mandatory energy performance standards for new buildings have been updated regularly to ensure that viable, new energy saving solutions are employed systematically. This has led to great to great reduction of energy demand and decreased life-time costs of new buildings. More on this can be found in the publication Energy Efficiency in New Buildings – Experiences from Denmark, part of a series of energy policy toolkits produced by the Danish Energy Agency.

The Danish-Vietnamese Energy Sector Project

Danish Energy and Climate Policy Presentation

Ministerial Organization and International Cooperation Presentation

Energy Efficient Products Presentation

Strategic Energy Planning at Municipal Level Presentation

Jesper Ditlefsen
Center for Erhverv og Energieffektivitet
Tlf.: 33 95 58 15


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