Press release -

fos4X is growing in China: Solution provider for the optimization of wind turbines draws a positive balance

Almost a year after entering the Chinese market, fos4X, the supplier of sensor technology and software solutions for the optimization of wind turbines, is drawing a positive balance. The Chinese subsidiary fos4X Wind Power Technology has equipped about 100 wind turbines from Chinese manufacturers during this time. These include the companies Envision and Goldwind, whereby fos4X recently acquired three more manufacturers as new customers: CSIC Haizhuang Windpower, Shanghai Electric and XEMC.

"China is currently the world's largest growth market for wind energy. In spite of the stagnating development of the industry in Europe, we were able to significantly advance our growth by concentrating on the Chinese market", explains fos4X Managing Director Dr. Lars Hoffmann.

Detecting loads, damages and ice on the rotor

fos4X has successfully equipped 47 wind turbines of the manufacturer CSIC Haizhuang Windpower with sensors for continuous blade load measurement. The manufacturer uses this function to individually control the pitch angle of the rotor blades. In this way, the wind loads on the rotor blades can be reduced and the yield and service life of the turbine increased.

For the other Chinese customers, fos4X also installed systems for measuring vibrations on the rotor blades, which are used, among other things, to detect ice or damage reliably and at an early stage. These components from the Munich-based company also ultimately ensure greater turbine availability, from which the Chinese manufacturers benefit above all in terms of costs.

Trade fair presence in Beijing

fos4X Wind Power Technology presents its successes as well as the currently offered solutions at the China Wind Power 2019 in the German Pavilion from 22nd to 24th October. The organizers of the exhibition at the China International Exhibition Center in Beijing expect more than 650 exhibitors and more than 60,000 visitors.


  • innovation
  • growth
  • cooperation
  • conferences

About fos4X

Founded in Munich in 2010, fos4X GmbH is a specialist for reliable, fiber-optic measurement technology and sensor technology as well as for innovative data analysis. It develops intelligent solutions for optimizing wind energy. These solutions are primarily used in wind turbines to optimize operation.

The fiber optic sensors and solutions are also used in the fields of electromobility, process measurement technology and railway technology.


Alexander Tindl

Press contact 08999954208