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How Mynewsdesk increases traffic on the website of Peugeot

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How Mynewsdesk increases traffic on the website of Peugeot

Hanne Sørensen, PR manager of Peugeot Denmark, describes the role Mynewsdesk plays in the company's content distribution, as important as a pencil for a writer.

Before using Mynewsdesk, the brand was struggling to increase their reach.

When the Peugeot 308 was elected Car of the Year 2014, Hanne ensured that the title would live throughout the entire year by using Mynewsdesk. Through the easiness of the tool, the brand could target other segments than just the automotive journalists.

"Last year over 1,000 articles were published only about the Peugeot 308", says Hanne Sørensen.

The company also noticed that the traffic to the website increased when a press release was sent. Because of this, Mynewsdesk makes the foundation of the communication strategy for Peugeot Denmark. Watch the full testimony: 

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Tina Leithold

Tina Leithold

Pressekontakt Marcomms Mynewsdesk DACH PR, Kommunikation, Marketing +49 159 04 37 90 84
Kristina Pilkinton

Kristina Pilkinton

Pressekontakt Country Manager Geschäftsführung


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