Blog post -

Add a Scout plugin in less than 30 minutes

On mynewsdesk we send a lot of emails as discussed in a previous post. We have a queue for outgoing email deliveries. Depending on our customer's plan, the emails are sent with different priority using delayed_job.

Customer Support asks us about the status in the different queues "When will customer X's email be sent?". We resolve this question by doing manually SQL-queries against the delayed job table. A boring, tedious task... Scout to the rescue!

With Scout we can easily provide Customer Support with this info right away by creating a plugin. And it's super easy!

I looked into the offical delayed_job-plugin, tweaked it a bit, uploaded it to our utility-server (which runs delayed_job). Scout automatically found it, and we could start using the plugin right away! See instructions for uploading your plugin here.

The source code for the plugin can be found here.


  • plugins
  • scout
  • ruby on rails
  • delayed job