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2019 Verdensmesterskab i kajaksejlads i La Seu d’Urgell og Sort

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2019 Verdensmesterskab i kajaksejlads i La Seu d’Urgell og Sort

2019 Verdensmesterskab i kajaksejlads i La Seu d’Urgell og Sort

Sort har været vært for flere raftingkonkurrencer de seneste år, herunder både EM og VM. Hovedbyen i Pallars Sobirà-området i Pyrenæerne har planer om at renovere banen i floden Noguera Pallaresa, hvor der holdes et freestyle world cup-løb i 2018 som kommer til at fungere som generalprøve for de verdensmesterskab som skal holdes året efter i denne by og i La Seu d’Urgell.




Catalan Tourist Board is the official body that works to promote and consolidate the “Catalunya” brand around the world.

Catalonia is the number one tourist destination in Spain and one of the leading destinations in Europe, with more than 24 million tourists visiting per year, of which more than 14 million are from abroad.

The office in the Nordic countries takes leads the Catalonia's promotion in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Iceland and Estonia.

www.catalunya.com #catalunyaexperience


Eulàlia Cabana

Eulàlia Cabana

Pressekontakt Director Nordic Office

Velkommen til Catalan Tourist Board Nordic!

Catalan Tourist Board is the official body that works to promote and consolidate the “Catalunya” brand around the world.
Catalonia is the number one tourist destination in Spain and one of the leading destinations in Europe, with more than 24 million tourists visiting per year, of which more than 14 million are from abroad.
The office in the Nordic countries takes leads the Catalonia's promotion in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Iceland and Estonia.
www.catalunya.com #catalunyaexperience

Catalan Tourist Board Nordic

Engelbrektsgatan, 9-11 planta 2a, local 204 A
114 32 Stockholm

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