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MyNewsdesk presents Marketing, Communications, and PR Trends 2011

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MyNewsdesk presents Marketing, Communications, and PR Trends 2011

We at MyNewsdesk have been busy researching upcoming PR, marketing and communication trends that we believe will be important in 2011 - trends that have potential to change certain behaviors in your target audience. We wanted to highlight certain element in the digital media landscape that we feel communicators should keep an eye out for, as they have moved beyond the early-adopters stage.

As you probably know, the media landscape is changing, with new ways of communication. We consulted and compiled a list of trends from PR, marketing, and communication experts we respect and follow intently. We hope that this list won’t scare you off, but instead give you more ideas and inspiration for your future work.

Here are the trends we see that is important for 2011 and the future;

1. Companies become their own Media
2. The rise of the fearless communicator
3. Internal becomes external
4. From B2C and B2B to B2P: Business-to-People
5. Digital media to go!
6. Experimentation with new Business Models
7. Social media is the source!
8. Bigger. Better. Stronger. More Social.

Read more about these trends in detail on our blog.

Part 1 - http://blog.mynewsdesk.com/2010/11/pr-communication-and-marketing-trends-2011-part-1/

Part 2 - http://blog.mynewsdesk.com/2010/11/pr-communication-and-marketing-trends-2011-part-2/




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Læs mere på: www.mynewsdesk.com/dk