Pressemeddelelse -

​Sony lancerer nyt udviklingssoftware til kamera

Sony lancerede i dag en ny udviklingssoftware til kameraer (Camera Remote SDK), som giver udviklere og integratorer mulighed for at tilgå Sony-kameraer samt billeddata. Understøttelsen til udviklere og integratorer er blevet forstærket gennem den nuværende Camera Remote API og lader udviklere og integratorer designe skræddersyede applikationer, der kan fjernkontrollere Sony-kameraer ud fra deres specifikke behov. Applikationerne giver adgang til fjernkontrol fra en pc og muliggør en overførsel af billeddata fra Sony-kameraer.

Læs den fulde pressemeddelese her:

Sony Expands Imaging Eco-system with Launch of New Camera Remote Software Development Kit

Empowers Developers and Integrators to produce new imaging experiences

Sony today released a new camera software development kit (Camera Remote SDK) that offers opportunities for developers and integrators to access Sony’s cameras and image data captured with them. The support for developers and integrators has been highly reinforced from the current Camera Remote API and allows developers and integrators to design bespoke applications to remotely control Sony cameras for tailored usage requirements. The applications provide remote control functions from a host PC and facilitate transmission of the image data back from the Sony cameras.

In addition, The Camera Remote SDK allows developers and integrators to remotely access other functions such as changing the camera settings, shutter release and live view monitoring in their software applications.

The Camera Remote SDK initially supports Alpha 7R IV and Alpha 9 II and the line-up of supported Cameras will be gradually expanded hereafter[i].

The Camera Remote SDK is available now and can be downloaded from here.

The current Camera Remote API’s provision will be closed following this new release of the new Camera Remote SDK and its support will be terminated[ii].

[i] The supported Cameras by current Camera Remote API are not included in compatible cameras’ line-up for Camera Remote SDK

[ii] Refer to the Camera Remote API site for details –


  • Livsstil, mode, fritid


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Bo Pedersen

Pressekontakt Account Manager for Sony - Discus Communications +45 50 40 19 18

Line Holm Hansen

Pressekontakt Head of PR Nordic +45 28 43 84 88