List of topics


Main topic Subtopic Code ID
Art, Culture, Entertainment KONB 373
Architecture ARKI 389
Events EVEN 390
Dance DANS 392
Design DESI 393
Library, Museum BIBL 394
Literature LITT 395
Music MUSI 396
Mass media MASA 397
Theatre TEAT 398
Art KONS 399
Entertainment UNDE 400
Cinema, Film, Photo BIOF 391
Concert KONY 5641
Culture KULT 401
Main topic Subtopic Code ID
Crime, Law, Legal affairs BROA 374
Security SKAB 5321
Crime BROT 402
Law JURI 403
Police matters POLA 404
Legal affairs RATA 405
Main topic Subtopic Code ID
Education UTBI 378
Corporate training FRAD 5255
Adult education VUXE 425
School SKOL 426
University, University College UNIV 427
Teaching, Learning UNDA 428
Main topic Subtopic Code ID
Working life ARBC 381
Trade union related FACK 447
Employment issues ANST 444
Employment law ARBA 445
Unemployment ARBB 446
Salary, Pension LONP 448
Labour market issues ARBF 4920
Nominations UTNB 4921
Awards UTMA 4922
Working Environment ARBE 449
Main topic Subtopic Code ID
Politics POLC 383
Economy PENG 5205
Culture CULT 5206
President PRES 5238
Defence issues FORC 464
Diplomacy DIPL 465
Aid BIST 467
Government REGE 468
Human Rights MANS 469
Local/Regional influence LOKA 470
Parliament RIKS 471
Citizen participation MEDC 475
Politics, general POLB 476
Foreign Politics UTRI 478
International INTA 479
Parties, movements PARA 472
Refugee-, Migration issues FLYK 473
International treaties, Cooperations INTE 474
Elections VALE 477
European Union issues EUFA 4884
Almedalsveckan ALME 5172
VALG 5060
VALI 5254
Valet 2022 VALH 5844
Main topic Subtopic Code ID
Social issues SOCC 386
Dependency issues BERO 490
Volunteer work FRIV 491
Family issues FAMI 492
Minorities MINO 493
Welfare VALF 495
Social issues, General SOCI 496
Social services SOCA 497
Social conditions SOCB 498
Disability FUNK 499
Gender equality JAMS 4874
Children, Youth BARN 4873
Racism, discrimination RASI 494
Main topic Subtopic Code ID
Sport SPOR 387
Cycling, Sports CYKL 5253
Handball HNAA 5251
Dance sport DANT 5256
Horses, Equestrianism HAST 507
Winter sports VINT 500
Ball games BOLB 501
Football FOTB 502
Track and field FRII 503
Hockey HOCK 504
Martial art KAMA 505
Gymnastics GYMN 506
Motor sport MOTB 508
Water sports VATA 509
Other sports OVRA 510
Golf GOLF 5252
Main topic Subtopic Code ID
Economy, Finance EKOA 375
Corporate Information FORA 407
Finance FINB 377
Economy EKON 406
Market, Stock market MARB 424
Revision, Tax issues REVI 4899
Sales FRAB 4900
Finance, Stocks, Private savings FINA 4901
Finance and currency issues FINC 4902
Annual and interim reports HELA 4903
Personal finance PRIW 5040
Public Sector Finance PUBL 5062
Main topic Subtopic Code ID
Lifestyle, Fashion, Leisure LIVB 382
Royal KONG 5203
Season SSAA 5204
Spa, fitness, well-being SPAA 5258
Gastronomy GAST 451
Hobby HOBB 452
Organisations ORGA 456
Lifestyle LIVS 457
Leisure FRIT 458
Society SAMH 460
Animals DJUR 461
Outdoor activities FRIL 462
Beauty SKON 463
Interior design INRF 4996
Games, Lottery SPEL 450
Hunting, Fishing JAKT 459
Fashion MODE 422
Photo, Photography FOTO 4980
Leisure boats, Boating FRIW 4981
Art, Antiquities, Auctions KONV 4982
Motors, Cars, Motor bikes MOTP 4983
Garden TRAC 4997
Main topic Subtopic Code ID
Religion, Faith RELI 384
Philosophy FILO 482
Church communion KYRK 481
Spiritual development, healing, meditation ANDL 4984
Free Churches, other congregations FRIK 480
Main topic Subtopic Code ID
Science, technology VETB 385
New publications NYAA 5239
Economics EKOO 5240
Pharmacy FARM 5241
Mathematics MATF 5242
Environment MILK 5243
Odontology ODON 5244
Behavioral sciences BETE 5245
Legal sciences RTAA 5246
Forestry- and agricultural sciences SKOJ 5247
Language SPRA 5248
Educational sciences UTBJ 5249
Veterinary medicine VETF 5250
Social sciences SAMA 483
Engineering INGE 484
Humanities HUMA 486
Science, general VETE 487
Technology, general TEKN 488
Scientific institutions VETA 489
Natural science NATB 485
Research FORT 4923
Medicine MEDJ 4924
Main topic Subtopic Code ID
Crises, Incident KRIC 388
Terrorism TERR 511
Armed conflicts VAPN 512
Demonstrations DEMO 513
War KRIG 514
Conflicts KONA 515
Crises KRIB 516
Disturbances OROL 517
Disasters KATA 518
Accidents OLYC 519
Extreme weather EXTR 4925
Main topic Subtopic Code ID
Tourism TURA 417
Vacation SEME 453
Travels RESO 455
Adventures VEAA 4985
Main topic Subtopic Code ID
Data, Telecom, IT DATA 411
Computer security DATB 5038
Computers, computer technology, software DATO 4971
Computer games DATP 4972
Computer aided design (CAD), design DATQ 4973
Desktop production, design DESK 4974
Electronic business, communication ELEK 4975
Innovations, inventions INNO 4976
Network products NTAA 4977
Telecommunication, mobile telephony TELF 4978
Web services WEBC 4979
Telecom TELE 419
Main topic Subtopic Code ID
Building, property BYGG 412
Architecture ARKJ 4912
Housing issues BOEN 4913
Building industry, industry issues BYGH 4914
Contract issues, machines ENTR 4915
Real Estate, facilities management FAST 4916
Real Estate Brokerage FASU 4917
Cultural environment protection KULU 4918
Material issues, coloration MATE 4919
Main topic Subtopic Code ID
Environment, Energy MILC 379
Climate issues KLIM 4998
Energy issues ENER 429
Environmental politics MILA 430
Pollution MILB 431
Natural resources NATU 432
Nature issues NATA 433
The Greenhouse effect VAXT 435
Weather VADE 436
Environmental technology, Recycling MILJ 4910
Nature and environmental control NATV 4911
Sustainability/CSR HLAC 4999
Water/Ocean environment VATT 434
Main topic Subtopic Code ID
Media, Communication MEDI 414
DVD, Video DVDA 4908
New media NYMA 4909
PR, Communication PRAA 4904
Web media WEBB 4905
Radio, TV RADI 4906
Newspapers, Magazines TIDN 4907
Main topic Subtopic Code ID
Retail DETA 415
Environmental and or Organic KOAA 5207
Home electronics HEME 4871
Clothes KLAA 4933
Groceries MATA 4934
Interior design INRE 4935
Leisure FRIU 4936
Children, Youth BARQ 5039
Main topic Subtopic Code ID
Industry, manufacturing INDU 416
Crafts HANT 5257
Construction industry ANLA 4958
Textile industry TEXT 4959
Building industry BYGI 4960
Packaging, packing EMBA 4961
Energy ENES 4962
Contracting, Machines ENTS 4963
Mining GRUV 4964
Groceries, Food engineering LIVU 4965
Petroleum, Oil, Gas PETR 4966
Plastic-, Rubber industry PLAS 4967
Engineering industry VERK 4968
Heating, Ventilation and Sanitary installations technology, Energy technology VVSA 4969
Professional fishing YRKE 4970
Chemical industry KEMI 410
Motor MOTO 420
Furniture industry MBAA 5259
Main topic Subtopic Code ID
Transport TRAB 418
Cars and traffic BILT 4926
Air service FLYG 4927
Freight, Transport FRAK 4928
Infrastructure, Communication INFR 4929
Trucks, Transport vehicles LAST 4930
Navigation, Vessels, Harbour SJAA 4931
Train, Line traffic TGAA 4932
Public Transport KOLL 5000
Main topic Subtopic Code ID
Food, Drink LIVA 421
Alcoholic beverages ALKO 5061
Drink DRYC 4986
Food MATB 4987
Food industry LIVV 4988
Gastronomy GASU 4989
Consumer affairs KONW 4990
Health, Diets, etc. HLAB 4991
Ecological issues EKOL 4992
Main topic Subtopic Code ID
Services, Consulting TJAN 4870
Real Estate Brokerage FASV 4937
Insurance, Insurance issues FRAC 4938
Hair, Beauty HRAA 4939
Hotels, Restaurants HOTE 4940
PR, Communication PRAB 4942
Recruitment REKR 4943
Revision, Tax issues REVJ 4944
Tourism, travels TURJ 4945
Consulting KONU 4941
Main topic Subtopic Code ID
Agriculture, fishing JORD 409
Biodynamic Agriculture BIOD 4946
Agriculture JORE 4947
Groceries, Food engineering LIVT 4948
Farming LANT 4949
Livestock DJUS 4950
Fishing FISH 5640
Fishing KALB 5638
Main topic Subtopic Code ID
Forest Management SKOG 4872
Forest Industry, Wood Industry SKOH 4955
Forest Management SKOI 4956
Paper industry PAPP 4957
Main topic Subtopic Code ID
Studies and reports UNDB 4879
Investigations UTRE 4880
Studies UNDF 4993
Reports RAPP 4994
Annual and interim reports HELB 4995
Main topic Subtopic Code ID
Public sector OFFF 4885
Elderly care LDAA 4886
Children, Child care BARO 4887
Defence issues FRAA 4888
Health Care, Health Service HLAA 4889
Disability issues HAND 4890
Law, Justice JURJ 4891
Municipal services KOMM 4892
Criminology, Crime policy KRIM 4893
County council issues LANE 4894
State, Municipal administration STAU 4895
Youth issues UNGD 4896
Water-, Waste-water treatment VATU 4897
School SKOM 4898
Main topic Subtopic Code ID
Corona CORO 5841
Main topic Subtopic Code ID
Business enterprise FORD 376
Business enterprise, General FORB 408
Contracts, Assignments KONT 4875
New products, services NYAP 4876
Partnerships, cooperations PARB 4878
Mergers and acquisitions FORV 4877
Main topic Subtopic Code ID
Health, Health Care, Pharmaceuticals HALE 380
Alternative medicine ALTE 4953
Elderly care LDAB 4954
Diseases SJUK 437
Epidemics EPID 438
Health Organisations HALS 439
Medical research MEDA 440
Medicine, Pharmaceuticals MEDB 441
Health Care, Health Service HALD 442
Mental Health MENT 4951
County council issues LANF 4952
Health Care FRIS 443
Main topic Subtopic Code ID
Hear Us Out MHUO 5833


Event types

Main topic Code ID
Gala GALA 339
Auction AUKT 19
Important occasion BEMA 333
Visit BESO 334
Ceremonies CERE 335
Defence of a doctor's thesis DISP 336
Festival FEST 337
Lecture FORE 338
Hearing HEAR 340
Annual and interim reports HELO 341
Festival day HOGT 342
Inauguration INVI 343
Jubilee JUBI 344
Campaign KAMP 345
Capital market day KAPI 346
Conferences and congresses KONF 347
Launch LANS 348
Manifestation MANI 349
Matches and games MATC 350
Fair MASS 351
Meeting MOTE 352
Disclosure OFFE 353
First night PREM 354
Press conference PREA 355
Press display PREB 356
Political elections POLI 357
Awards PRIS 358
Seminar SEMI 359
State visit STAT 360
Ministers' schedule STAA 361
Assembly STAM 362
Summit meeting TOPP 363
Competition TAVL 364
Nomination UTNA 365
Exhibition UTST 366
Display VISN 367
Anniversary and memorial day ARSO 368
Other OVRI 369
Stage SCEN 370
Open house OPPE 371
Debate DEBA 372
Analyst meeting ANAL 18
Agreements and negotiations AVTA 20