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EU-prize for best project of the past 25 years

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Brussels [2017-05-31]

Yesterday in Brussels during the EU Green Week, the LIFE programme, the funding instrument for environment and climate action of the European Union, presented Exeger Sweden AB with the award for EU-LIFE best of 25 years in the climate action category. The LIFE programme was started in 1992 and this year marks its 25-year anniversary.

“Exeger is a prime example of what the EU-LIFE programme is meant to foster. It allows companies to grow from an early, high-risk stage. Giving that support pays back, in innovation, in new green industry and in jobs created. Congratulations Exeger for this award,” said Karmenu Vella, Commissioner of Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries.

“This is our most significant honor to date! To be able to go from a lab-scale solar cell to a global industrial company with a factory able to produce 15 million units yearly in just seven years is something we could not have achieved without the support of the EU-life programme. And to receive this distinction right when we are about to go global is proof that the EU fosters green industry from idea to rollout,” said Exeger’s CEO and Founder Giovanni Fili.

Exeger’s funding strategy has always been to seek long term capital from investors who understand and can benefit from the company vision. This has meant a combination of industrial investors and government funding from an early stage. The approved EU-life programme application meant much more than the funding for Exeger. The demanding application process and due diligence conducted prior to approval, has served as a stamp of quality for investors.

In 2014, EXEGER successfully demonstrated an annual production capacity of 20,000m2. This was the culmination of the DYEMOND SOLAR project funded by the EU-LIFE programme. It was deemed a high-risk project from the start and the success of EXEGER in taking the company from an idea to a large-scale factory, situated in the city center of Stockholm, has excited everyone involved from the EU commission. The successful completion of the DYEMOND SOLAR project coupled with the growth of the company since 2014 are the leading factors for Exeger being chosen based on the criteria “for having had remarkable effects both for the EU’s natural environment, and in creating green jobs and boosting green growth”.

For further information contact Alexandre Askmo,


  • Energy issues


Karin Carlström

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