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The Trump Dynasty
The Trump Dynasty

Press release -



Saturdays from 10 August at 21:00

The Trump Dynasty draws from first-hand accounts and never-before-seen archival footage to examine the life and heritage of the 45th President of the United States. As part of the award-winning series, the documentary spans three generations of the Trump family saga and offers an in-depth exploration of the influences that shaped Donald Trump’s personality, celebrity, and ambition in business and politics. From the Klondike Gold Rush of the 1890s to

the origins of a New York real-estate empire, this sixhour documentary provides an all-encompassing view of the Trump family that has rarely been seen. The series delves into Donald Trump’s childhood in Queens, his risky move into the world of Manhattan real estate, his notoriety as a best-selling author and reality television star, and the lead up to his 2016 presidential campaign (3x120 mins).


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