Tiedote -

Atos signs contract with EuroMaint Rail, Europe's leading rail maintenance supplier to create innovative digital workplace

Atos, a global leader in digital transformation, announced today that it has signed a contract in Sweden with EuroMaint Rail AB, Europe's leading independent supplier of maintenance services for the rail transport industry, to create a modern flexible infrastructure with solutions for the digital workplace of the future. This 5 year contract will significantly reduce the company’s costs while ensuring security and compliance at all times.

Faced with today’s changing working environment, EuroMaint Rail AB’s aim was to implement a modern flexible infrastructure to address the needs of this new environment, such as mobility, with a more cost-effective delivery. EuroMaint Rail has found a trusted partner in Atos to complete its digital transformation journey and face the future today.

“We are delighted to continue our partnership with Atos taking our digital journey to the next level and the steps to transform our business. We chose Atos as our partner thanks to its proven success in the Digital Workplace delivery and renowned leadership in Digital Workplace Services both globally and in Europe. We have now started the execution of the first phase of the digitalization and we are very excited to already see the first results”, says Johan Andersson, acting CIO at EuroMaint Rail.

“We are pleased to support EuroMaint Rail in its digital transformation journey. Our end-to-end Atos Digital Workplace offering enables our customers to create an agile and secure working environment in which employees can effectively connect and collaborate wherever they are and from any device.” says Peter Pluim, Executive Vice President for Infrastructure and Data Management at Atos.

Atos Digital Workplace is a true end-to-end solution to transform the employee experience, delivered through an enhanced partnership ecosystem. Atos is recognized as Global Leader in Digital Workplace Services by ISG and Leader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Managed Workplace Services, Europe.


  • Tietokone, Televiestintä, IT


  • digital workplace
  • technology
  • innovation

Atos on johtava digitaalisten palveluiden tarjoaja, jossa työskentelee noin 100,000 työntekijää 72 maassa. Atoksen liikevaihto on noin 12 miljardia euroa. Yritys on Euroopan johtava suurteholaskennan, Big Data, kyberturvallisuus ja digitaalinen työpaikka -palveluiden tarjoaja. Atos tarjoaa maailmanlaajuiselle asiakaskunnalleen myös pilvipalveluita, IT-infrastruktuuri ja tiedonhallintapalveluita, liiketoiminta- ja sovellusalustaratkaisuja, sekä maksuvälityspalveluita alansa Euroopan johtajan Worldlinen kautta.

Laaja-alaisella toimiala- ja teknologiatuntemuksella Atos tukee asiakkaitaan digitaalisessa murroksessa eri sektoreilla, mukaan lukien: puolustus, rahoitus, terveydenhuolto, valmistava teollisuus, media, energia, julkishallinto, kauppa, telekommunikaatio sekä kuljetus ja liikenne. Atos toimii maailmanlaajuisesti Olympia- ja Paralympiakisojen IT-kumppanina ja sen brändeihin kuuluu Atos, Atos Consulting, Atos Worldgrid, Bull, Canopy, Unify ja Worldline. Atos SE (Societas Europaea) on listautunut Pariisin pörssin CAC40-indexiin.


Ksenia Forsheneva

Lehdistön yhteyshenkilö Head of Marketing & Communications Nordics +46 73 620 65 13

Line Gammelgaard Jensen

Lehdistön yhteyshenkilö Deputy CMO, BeNeLux & The Nordics Marketing & Communications +45 3045 5387