Uutinen -

BE INSPIRED - Experience Gorenje´s visionary innovation, advanced technology and contemporary design @IFA, Berlin

You are kindly invited to join us from 6th – 11th September 2013 at the IFA fair in Berlin (Hall 1.1, 201),  the world’s leading consumer electronics and home appliance tradeshow. Get immersed in the Gorenje story. Join an exciting journey of design, innovation, advanced technologies, strong values, and creativity.

This year the spotlight is on: the new Gorenje ION generation of fridge freezers featuring the unique advanced AdaptTech technology and the IonAir system that keeps food fresh longer, and the award-winning IQcook induction hob in combination with a brand new IQhood prototype. At IFA Gorenje is going to unveal the new romantic Gorenje Classico Collection (coming to the Nordic this fall), extension one of the most popular design collections by Gorenje ever – the Gorenje Ora-Ïto Collection. Iconic Gorenje cooling Retro collection is going to be enriched for another exciting colour – yellow.

Check out more on Gorenje @IFA 2013 and join us on Facebook.




  • Gastronomia


  • ifa
  • kodinkoneet
  • gorenje
  • design
  • iqcook
  • retro
  • gorenje group
  • tradeshow

Liittyvä sisältö

Gorenjen uusi IQcook-induktioliesi tuo keittiöön älykästä teknologiaa

Gorenje lanseeraa nyt Suomessa uuden sukupolven IQcook-induktiolieden, joka kontrolloi automaattisesti ruuan höyryttämistä, keittämistä ja paistamista. Uraauurtava kattilan kanteen kiinnitettävä IQ-sensori auttaa sekä kokeneita että aloittelevia ruuanlaittajia onnistumaan keittiössä. IQsteam-höyrytystoiminnon ansiosta myös terveellisen, ravitsevan ruuan valmistus onnistuu IQcookilla helposti.

IN A SPOTLIGHT @IFA 2013: Winning a battle against bacteria, keeping food fresh and healthy

The NEW Gorenje ION generation of fridge freezers was created in perfect harmony with nature. Every year we end up throwing out large amounts of food due to improper storage and eventual spoilage. Innovative IonAir technology eliminates up to 95% of microorganisms and – paired with the advanced MultiFlow 360˚ and NoFrost Plus functions – creates the ideal microclimate for keeping food fresh.