Tiedote -

Veturi is the best Finnish Shopping Center

National winner and the Finnish finalist for the Nordic Shopping Center Award has been elected. Shopping center Veturi located in Kouvola has been awarded the national winner in NCSC´s local Shopping Center competition in Finland. Veturi will compete for the Nordic Award later this spring.

The jury of the national competition in Finland consisted of the board members at NCSC Finland.

The criteria’s were the same as in the Nordic competition: Economic figures, Strategy and marketing, Community involvement, Environmental conditions, Management, Architecture and Functionality of the center and Tenant mix of the Center.

The jury regarded that Veturi has been able to create a leading market position in retail and shopping center market of southeast Finland during the first 18 months after opening. In addition to economic and commercial results community involvement and environmental conditions (e.g. geothermal power system) were highly appreciated by the jury.



  • Elämäntyyli, muoti, vapaa-aika


  • shopping malls
  • shopping center
  • NCSC Awards

NCSC, Nordic Council of Shopping Centers, is the association for the shopping center industry in the Nordic countries. The aim is to continuously develop the Nordic shopping center market and strengthen the industry's status as a professional and strong player in the community. Our over 1100 members encompasses all sides of the industry, from developers to tenants and suppliers as well as city planners. The association was founded in 1985 and currently has over 1 100 members mainly in Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark.


Tina Korpi

Lehdistön yhteyshenkilö Marketing Manager Finland Marketing and press +358 40 3613121