SKANLOG acquires the logistic activities of PERNOD RICARD in Finland

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SKANLOG acquires the logistic activities of PERNOD RICARD in Finland

SKANLOG is a major logistic service provider within wine and spirits business in Scandinavia, and the acquisition completes the ambition of a full coverage of the Nordics.

SKANLOG Nordic Director, Peter Nørgaard, is happy with the transaction:

«We have been looking at the Finnish market for some time. The market structures are very much like the Swedish and the Norwegian ones with strong monopolies controlling the route to market. With the acquisition SKANLOG fulfils the geographical footprint on the Nordic markets ».

For PERNOD RICARD FINLAND, the divestment of the logistics centre will help to focus on the core business, producing and distributing Pernod Ricard brands. PERNOD RICARD FINLAND’s Managing Director Tarja Uitti looks forward to the cooperation:

«This transaction is in line with the Pernod Ricard Group strategy to let specialists handle logistics operations. We are extremely glad that our logistics services will be managed by Skanlog Oy, a company renowned for its high quality service and professionalism and with which we have already a very good relationship in other Nordic markets»

All existing employees of the PERNOD RICARD FINLAND logistics organization are transferred to SKANLOG.

Peter Nørgaard is very optimistic about the future outlooks:

«SKANLOG has set a path of growth in the Nordics. We are impressed by the high quality of service. It gives us a strong position to grow the operation. We will reinforce our Nordic presence to develop a strong service portfolio for producers, brand owners and importers to be able to offer competitive solutions for Alko, wholesalers and on-trade customers on the Finnish market»

SKANLOG takes over the operations from June 1st 2016.

For more information

Peter Nørgaard 
Nordic Director 
Mobile: +45 2244 0204 

Tarja Uitti
Managing Director
Mobile: +358 40 560 0614


SKANLOG is the leading Logistics Service Provider (LSP) in Scandinavia with 12 strategically located warehouses. The company is offering complete logistic solutions customized for the market needs. Beverages is a core business area for SKANLOG, along with white goods and web logistics. SKANLOG is a family owned company with a yearly revenue at app. EUR 90 million and 450 employees with headquarter in Copenhagen, Denmark. The customer portfolio of SKANLOG includes well-known international companies such as Pernod Ricard, Diageo, Bacardi, Moët Hennessy, Red Bull and Edrington-Group.

PERNOD RICARD FINLAND is the second largest alcohol company on the Finnish market. PERNOD RICARD FINLAND benefits of a unique combination of the global resources of the global PERNOD RICARD Group and a long-standing experience of the Finnish beverage market. PERNOD RICARD FINLAND manufactures, imports, markets and sells approximately 400 domestic and international alcoholic beverages. The company has been selected Alko’s Best Supplier in 2010, 2011, 2013 and 2014.


Tiina Heusala

Lehdistön yhteyshenkilö Viestintä, yhteiskuntavastuu 040 7733 453

Laadukkaan juomakulttuurin edistäjä – matkalla alan arvostetuimmaksi toimijaksi

Pernod Ricard Finland Oy on Suomen alkoholimarkkinoiden toiseksi suurin toimija ja maailman toiseksi suurimman alkoholikonsernin, ranskalaisen Pernod Ricardin omistama tytäryhtiö.

Pernod Ricard Finland Oy vastaa Pernod Ricard Groupin tuotteiden sekä monien muiden kansainvälisesti tunnettujen viinien ja väkevien alkoholituotteiden myynnistä ja markkinoinnista Suomessa.
Hiilineutraalilla tehtaallamme Turussa valmistetaan alkoholijuomia yli 150-vuotisella ammattitaidolla ja meillä työskentelee 90 sitoutunutta ammattilaista. Toimintaamme ohjaa konsernimme vastuullisuusstrategia, Good Times from a Good Place, jonka tavoitteet on sidottu YK:n kestävän kehityksen tavoitteisiin.

Pernod Ricard Finland Oy

Fabianinkatu 8
00130 Helsinki