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Luxury shoe brand United Nude increases conversion by 20%

The Dutch luxury shoe brand United Nude is taking their content marketing and customer relations to the next level with unique UGC-technology.

United Nude was established in 2003 by architect Rem Koolhaas and is, up until today, one of the worlds most forward thinking footwear designers. The unique shoe- and accessory designs are inspired by architectural objects and are worn by people all over the world. Today the company has local presence in Amsterdam (Netherlands), Los Angeles (USA) and Guangzhou (China). United Nude has a long history of social media marketing. With Facebook and Instagram as their main social channels, the company has a large fan base and their marketing activities have been performing well in social media in general.

New possibilities with Flowbox’s UGC-solutions

For some time the company has had the hashtag #unitednude integrated on their website, to show how “normal” people are using their products.

"Customers have uploaded their pictures on Instagram under the hashtag #unitednude. It’s been a great way to make our customers feel like they are a part of something bigger, while at the same time giving inspiration to each other," says Irinna Stefanidou, Global E-Commerce Assistant, United Nude.

The “community” in itself has served several purposes for the brand, however increased conversion hasn’t been the primary one. In order to change this and increase conversion with social content, United Nude decided to start using Flowbox’s UGC technology.

- Since the integration of the Flowbox “carousel” on our product pages in the web shop, we have seen a big change in the conversion rate. Within the last 30 days there has been a 20 % increase in the conversion rate thanks to this, says Irinna Stefanidou.

United Nude is also hoping that this will bring an increased engagement from their fans, and according to Irinna Stefanidou, it’s performing well so far.

"We are also using this technology as a way to get to know our fans and customers better. We will be setting up a contest soon and will be sending out a newsletter with useful tips on what kind of image works best on Instagram."

People trust people

"In general, people from the new generation trust people more than they trust brands and they are tired of only seeing perfect pictures of models. As a brand we need to listen to this and learn more about the people that are actually buying our products. When seeing fellow customers wearing our shoes and accessories, our fans will think that ‘I can do this too, without being photoshopped first’. This is a big reason why I think the UGC technology that Flowbox provides is so effective," says Irinna Stefanidou.

For more information, contact:

Helena Nordh Myhrman, Head of Content, Flowbox


  • Mass media


  • united nude
  • case studies


Cecilia Rehn

Press contact Digital Marketing Manager Marketing & Communication +46700621611