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As you can see, you don't need to log on to access the site and view press releases, images and a variety of other content. However, to access releases and images before they are issued to the press, you can register for a Press Pass which will enable you to see previews of content throughout the site.

How do I get the most from this site?

The site has been designed with the needs of journalists in mind. To make sure you get the most of the site, register for a Press Pass that will enable you to see previews of press releases, images and events. To register you must be a professional journalist and a member of The Company team will consider each application before your account is activated.

Click here to register for a Press Pass.

Where do I find Press Releases

Press releases are displayed within the Press Releases section of the site where you are able to search for particular releases using keywords, date ranges etc.

How can I get high-resolution images?

All images displayed on the site can be viewed and downloaded to your computer as high-resolution versions. Visit the Image Library to browse through all the images on the site. Images are also attached to press releases and other content throughout the site.

You can access these by clicking on the download button beside the image that you are interested in. Each image will be compressed into a 'zip' file in order reduce the amount of time spent downloading. Once it has been saved, you are then able to 'unzip' the file to access the high resolution image for use in your publication.

Where can I download Virtual Press Pack?

Within the section of the site there are a number of Virtual Press Packs that you can download as compressed or 'zipped' files. These packs can contain press releases, images, assets and other relevant information regarding the pack topic wrapped up into one downloadable file.

Each individual press release can also be downloaded as a Virtual Press Pack by clicking on the icon. The media will contain all the images, assets, information and links attached to that release.

How can I get more information?

If you have any further questions about the site, please email us using the feedback form situated within the contacts section.

If you would like more information on a particular release, please use the contact details displayed on that release.

Email Alerts

To register to receive an alert, please visit the Press Pass area to complete an application. If you have already registered and you would like to stop receiving alerts, then please visit the My Profile section of the site where you will be able to unsubscribe immediately.

What do all the icons mean?
text document text document
Word document Word document
Excel document Excel document
PDF document PDF document
image file image file
Access file Access file
PowerPoint file PowerPoint file
Flash file Flash file
Audio file Audio file
Embargoed item Embargoed item

Calendar Calendar

Reporting a Problem

If you have a problem with any section of the site, please do not hesitate to contact your main press officer by using the feedback form within the contacts section of the site.

I am unable to download a Press pack

To download a Press Pack you will need to have a piece of software called 'WinZip'. Click here to download your copy of 'WinZip'. Press Packs are compressed to ensure that they take less time to download to your machine. WinZip is used to expand these files back to their original size thereby enabling you to view all high resolution images, documents etc. If you would not like to install this software, you can also open and all items individually and save them to your computer.