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The challenge of transporting diplomatic cargo by road from the EU to a non-member country

What is diplomatic cargo?

Diplomatic cargo doesn’t recognise any borders or customs due to the nature of cargo being diplomatic – provided that all the permits are in hand at the time of transporting.

Document 302 – a permit for the cargo to travel with and according to the UN protocol

A couple of months ago, Greencarrier Freight Services in the UK was given the challenge to handle a diplomatic cargo by road on behalf of a particular military force. The owners of the cargo provided each truck driver with a document called 302. The document is a permit for the cargo to travel with and according to the UN protocol. It must travel with the goods during the transit, from origin to arrival point. The truck drivers were responsible for showing the 302 documents to the border customs when passing through.

Here you can read the full article.

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  • Freight, Transport


  • road
  • transport solutions


Cecilia Jonebäck

Press contact Global Communication Manager +46 (0) 31 85 55 01