Press release -

Gävle-researcher’s article the most downloaded in English journal about learning

Göran Fransson and Jan Grannäs, active within didactics at the University of Gävle, top  downloads of Swedish articles in the English journal “Teachers and Taching” with their article about dilemma’s in educational contexts.

What is the article about?
The article provides a theoretical contribution to how to understand dilemmas as a part of a “dilemmatic space”. The starting point is complexities, challenges and dilemmas that can be found in the educational system and that, for example, teachers and principals can relate to. In these complexities we discuss how dilemmas can be understood.

On the contrary to the problems, which can be solved, dilemmas are often about choosing from a couple of alternatives where neither of them lead to a satisfying solution. Therefore, to deal with dilemmas is about trying to deal with choices, conflicting interests and tensions between competing, and at times, incompatible objects, demands, expectations, actions values etc.

Traditionally dilemmas are seen as something that appears in situations. In the article however we discuss a different view on dilemmas, one where we argue that it can be beneficial to be thinking around a dilemmatic space that people relate to. Questions of positioning and relative processes such as barging, collaboration and positions such as questionings about ethics, morals and dilemmas becomes central and are a part of this dynamic. 

Why do you believe so many are downloading the article?
One reason is perhaps that the article presents new perspectives on how dilemma related to
educational situations can be understood. Another is probably that it provides a theoretical contribution that is central in preschool teachers, teachers and headmasters’ normal working life – To be able to handle dilemma and incompatible demands, expectations and goals.

Through different review-orders we have received, we also know that others have read the article to reference to it and that is always fun.

The Company Taylor & Francis with 1700 peer-reviewed journals has compiled the by Swedes most downloaded Swedish produced scientific articles within the last three years and one of these article is written by two researchers at the University of Gävle

Except being one of the most downloaded Swedish articles of the publisher within the subject “education” , the article also earns a spot in the journals all-time top-20 most downloaded articles.
The article was published last year in the journal “Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice”

For more information please contact:
Göran Fransson senior lecturer in didactics at the faculty for education and economy
Phone: 026-64 85 53

Jan Grannäs, lecturer in didactics at the faculty of education and economy
Phone: 026-648797


  • Education


  • university of gävle
  • english journal about learning
  • top downloads of swedish articles
  • teachers and taching
  • dilemma’s in educational contexts