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The Indonesia National Board of Narcotics, (Badan Narkotika Nasional [BNN]) encountered a challenge to achieve high office productivity while maintaining a low administrative budget across the various departments in the organization. Mr. Hendrajid Putut Widagdo, a researcher from the Deputy of Community Empowerment BNN was searching for a low cost printing solution for both photos and colour documents that could be implemented throughout the organisation.


Mr. Hendrajid was introduced to the Epson L800 six-colour ink tank system printer and was very pleased with the printer’s ability to render high quality photos and text prints. Additionally, the running cost was minimal, helping the department to save an estimated 66% in printing costs.

Business Benefits

  • 1.Affordable ink saves about 66% in printing cost
  • 2.Six-colour printer produces high quality photos, text and colour graphic documents
  • 3.Excellent after sales support from Epson


Indonesia National Board of Narcotics, also known as Badan Narkotika Nasional (BNN) was established in the year 1971 where the government had to aggressively combat drug abuse and the spread of narcotics in the country. The organization has the national authority to coordinate 25 related government agencies to formulate and implement national policy for drug abuse prevention.

BNN’s printing needs range from photos of subjects, locations and other aspects of cases being investigated, to colour reports. Therefore, to reduce cost, a flexible printer that had both excellent photo print capabilities, as well as the ability to print colour documents at low cost per print was needed.

Problems of the Past

Before using the Epson L800 printers, BNN tried different brands of inkjet and laser printers for office printing, but the running costs of using genuine inks or toners were very high considering the high daily print volume. When they switched to compatible inks and toners in a bid to save costs, the print quality was not as good as using the originals, and the printers suffered from frequent paper jams which required documents to be reprinted again, wasting even more money instead.

“Previous printers we used consumed more expensive supplies, were less durable, and we had difficulty locating their support services when they were damaged. I was looking for printers that are easy to use and refill inks with low running costs, high productivity and print quality. I did not think any printing solution could have met our requirements until I was recommended to use the Epson L800 ink tank system printer” Mr. Hendrajid explained.

The Need for High Quality Prints

With its 6-colur ink tank system, the Epson L800 is able to affordably produce anything from high quality photographs with a high colour gamut, as well as low cost coloured documents. “I use the Epson L800 printer to print documents with sharp text and excellent photos” Mr. Hendrajid elaborated. “The printer is easy to use, hassle-free to refill and hardly causes any paper jams.”

Worry-free Printing Experience

Mr. Hendrajid explained that the Epson L800 has helped the organization to save significant printing costs: “I have saved an estimated 66% in printing costs compared to our old cartridge based printers. The Epson L800 has also helped me to increase work productivity due to infrequent paper jams and ease of ink refill, compared to the previous system. Nowadays, I no longer hesitate to print graphic intensive photos or colour documents because of the negligible cost per print.”

“In general, I feel that Epson products are more competitive in providing great performance and quality prints compared to other brands. After we have switched to Epson’s original ink tank system printers, our print jobs have become more efficient and colourful”, added Mr. Hendrajid, who also found the Epson sales representatives to be very friendly, helpful and cooperative.


  • Police matters


  • epson indonesia
  • no paper jams
  • after sales support
  • anti-narcotic
  • ink tank printer
  • flexibility
  • easy to use
  • hassle-free
  • high quality
  • low cost
  • competitive
  • indonesia
  • productivity
  • performance


Annisaa Azisah Ciannas

Press contact Public Relations Media Relations +6281294060705