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Stockholm aims for more international film productions

Stockholm is raising its offer towards the production industry with a new public film fund, named Film Capital Stockholm. The purpose is to attract more professional film productions to Stockholm. The fund will have a SEK 15 million in seed capital, with the goal of increasing its size over the next few years. It will be an excellent complement to the region’s existing investment platform of both private and public capital for films. A Fiction tourism initiative will be launched at the same time in Stockholm.

Stockholm has the potential to grow as an attractive film region in Europe. Production companies interested in Stockholm can receive co-financing from both private and public film funds. And the new public film fund will add to the offer.

“Stockholm aims for more international film productions. A public film fund has several positive effects for the region, including terms of cultural policies, by making it easier for filmmakers to share their story, and the story about Stockholm. It creates more economic growth in the city and more jobs in film and related industries. In the long term, it will be part of the marketing of the city, says Roger Mogert (S) Vice Mayor of Stockholm, Commissioner of the City Planning and Culture Division, and Chairman of Filmregion Stockholm-Mälardalen.

Stockholm has a great deal to propose in terms of settings and expertise. The city offers both modern and medieval urban settings and a backdrop of both parks, forest, lake and sea. Stockholm is internationally recognized as one of the most knowledge-intensive and innovative regions in the world. The people in the industry are used to working with major international film companies, due to the numerous commercials produced in the region annually. The city has four film studios and several post-production companies, plus recording studios for music and effects. It is the center of Sweden’s film industry. The capital city is home to 80 percent of all advertising production and most film industry professionals.

Meet Stockholm on the silver screen

In conjunction with the Cannes Film Festival, the City of Stockholm is also launching “the Film Guide to Stockholm” on the official tourist site The idea behind the new subsite is to meet the growing travel trend based on interest. The subsite is the first step towards a Fiction Tourism offer in the Stockholm region, for which Stieg Larsson’s Millennium Trilogy has already laid the groundwork.

“By visialising film on we are strengthening the link between the film and the destination. Visitors are no longer satisfied with just seeing a movie or television series, they want to experience the real settings,” says Roger Mogert.

For more information

Jonas Feinberg, marketing and communications at Film Region Stockholm Mälardalen, phone: +46 70-349 24 10,

Ann-Charlotte Jönsson, PR Manager Stockholm Business Region, phone: +46 8 508 28 507,

The City of Stockholm is part of Film Region Stockholm-Mälardalen, a collaboration between the public and private sectors to stimulate film production in the Stockholm Region.The region works with film investments, coproduction, movie marketing and finding suitable locations for filming. Through the Stockholm Film Commission, the organization simplifies filming for a large number of productions each year. Film Region Stockholm Mälardalen works on several films annually, such as the Millennium Trilogy, based on the books by Stieg Larsson, as well as Stig Björkman’s Ingrid Bergman documentary, “In Her Own Words”, which will premiere at this year’s Cannes Film Festival.

Related links


  • Economy, Finance


  • roger mogert
  • the city of stockholm
  • stockholm business region
  • public film fund
  • film

Stockholm Business Region, with its subsidiaries Stockholm Business Region Development and Stockholm Visitors Board,  is the official investment and tourism promotion agency for the Stockholm region.  Stockholm is one of Europe’s most dynamic sustainable regions. Stockholm Business Region is fully owned by the City of Stockholm. Our common brand is Stockholm – The Capital of Scandinavia.


Marie Sundström

Press contact PR and Marketing Manager, Invest Stockholm +46 (0) 8 508 280 50