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The sky is no longer the limit with Sony’s newest PlayMemories Camera App- Sky HDR

  • Sky HDR allows user to capture landscapes with stunning wide dynamic range
  • Independent exposure control of sky and land for perfectly adjusted brightness levels in one shot
  • Separately adjustable white balance without the use of graduated ND filters 

Sony’s brand new expansion of the PlayMemories Camera app, Sky HDR, is a treat for any landscape photographer. It allows the user to independently control the exposure of land and sky and adjust different brightness levels in one picture, providing an incredible wide dynamic range. Sunsets by the sea or beautiful flower fields under perfectly blue skies can now be captured without compromising on brightness for either half of the image, eliminating under and overexposure to produce a perfect image.

The application also allows the user to separately set the white balance, so that overly-bright parts of a scene are brought within the dynamic range, evenly exposing sky and subject without the need for graduated ND filters. No more washed out clouds or buildings blending in with a bright white sky, instead you can enjoy crisp contrast and more true to life brightness levels.

The app is incredibly user friendly and allows quick manipulation of images. Simply download the app onto a compatible device[i], select an image and a theme and choose its composure setting. After adjusting the exposure and white balance for land and sky the final image with its added effects can be created by pressing the shutter button. Before an image is saved its position and defocus boundaries can also be set ensuring a satisfying finish.

The app will be available to download on December 17th 2015 and is priced at €9,99.

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For more information, please contact your local PR manager or:

David Edwards, Corporate Communications, Sony Europe / +44 (0)1932 817 022

[i]Compatible with α7, α7R, α7S, α7 II, α7R II, α7S II, NEX-5R, NEX-6, NEX-5T, α6000, αA5100, RX100 III, RX100 IV, RX10 II, RX1R II


  • Science, technology


  • info su sony

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Contatti stampa

Cristina Papis

Press contact +390261838.1

Loredana Buzzavo

Press contact +390261838.1