Press release -

News Relase

15th May 2013

HeartCore Web Content Management v.8.2.1 released (JSP)

  • Added Micro-Websites left-hand sub-folder for Website Structure micro-websites menu items.
  • Added parsing of special codes in content validation from index administration pages.
  • Added parsing of special codes in title, HTML HEAD code and HTML BODY attributes in previews of content items.
  • Added Personal Workspace index columns configuration setting.
  • Added HTML DOCTYPE attribute for pages, products, templates, content groups, content types, product groups, product types, micro-websites.
  • Added support for multiple additional content elements for each content class.
  • Added Custom Extension Program attribute for workflow actions.
  • Added custom payment module programming API template (/webadmin/module/Payment Module Template/).
  • Added custom web content editor module programming API and template (/webadmin/webeditors/).
  • Added custom workflow action programming API and template and test example (/webadmin/workflowaction/).
  • Added Browse & Edit mode support for web content editor custom modules.
  • Added automatic use of Asbru web content editor XHTML output format for content items with XHTML DOCTYPE.
  • Added error handling for configuration of duplicate content, image, file, link, product, user and hosting client groups and types.
  • Added CAPTHA Text configuration setting (Configuration / System / Website / Email & Forms / Forms CAPTCHA Confirmation).
  • Added support for @@@captcha:contact@@@, @@@captcha:post@@@, @@@captcha:shopcart@@@, @@@captcha:register@@@ special codes.
  • Added workaround for Mozilla Firefox 20 error in handling CDATA (Mozilla Firefox).
  • Added Asbru Web Content Editor v7.1.17
    • Added support for Microsoft Internet Explorer 10.
    • Improved web content editor context menu alignment.
    • Added workaround for Microsoft Internet Explorer 10 Javascript engine error (Microsoft Internet Explorer).
    • Added workaround for Apple Safari and Google Chrome IFRAME style sheet reloading error (Apple Safari) (Google Chrome).
  • Added Facebook Login functionality which enables to use Facebook account for login.
  • Added Pubsubhubbub functionality which enables real time RSS distribution.
  • Improved handling of refreshed order completion shopping cart page.
  • Improved Blog module handling of incorrect content items (Community Add-On).
  • Improved user registration handling of redirection.
  • Improved special codes handling of "@" characters in usernames.
  • Improved handling of special codes in confirmation and notification emails subjects.
  • Improved periodic scheduled publishing of large numbers of content items.
  • Improved left-hand menu handling of "&" characters in content bundle, group and type names.
  • Improved user interface display for smaller screen resolutions and web browser windows (Microsoft Internet Explorer).
  • Improved conditional special codes handling of other special codes.
  • Improved shopping cart checkout handling of products sold out during the checkout steps.
  • Improved cache handling for content, file, image, link, product groups and types.
  • Improved Business Website example website.
  • Improved shopping cart and checkout handling of out of stock products.
  • Improved Personal Workspace handling of large amounts of content items.
  • Improved Website Structure administration section handling of large amounts of content items with fewer (only explicitly selected) top pages, and no sub-pages checking for orphan pages.
  • Improved Website Structure left-hand menus with Micro-Websites sub-folder menu for micro-websites.
  • Improved content dependencies detection/tracking performance.
  • Improved handling of disabled user groups/types categories.
  • Improved database backup/export file contents compression and ordering.
  • Improved Business Website example.
  • Improved handling of multiple orders during same session.
  • Improved database upgrade handling of invalid hosting client databases (Hosting Edition).
  • Various other improvements.
  • Fixed handling of content databases numeric attributes.
  • Fixed access permissions for adding new blank page and image/file content items.
  • Fixed handling of workflow permissions and "Save" option.
  • Fixed order id and order items handling.
  • Fixed blog module handling of scheduled content.
  • Fixed Browse & Edit mode preview of scheduled content items issue.
  • Fixed display of new, unpublished images in web content editor.
  • Fixed duplicated preview display of title prefix and suffix issue.
  • Fixed order administration workflow notification email issue.
  • Fixed custom content databases handling of checkbox, radio and select-box "," values.
  • Fixed integrated administration page workflow action options for administrators with only view and publish permissions.
  • Fixed Microsoft Internet Explorer 8/9 Personal Workspace and Website Content administration errors (Microsoft Internet Explorer).