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​Optimized financial operations using Merit Financial Services

Merit Portal has developed rapidly in recent years and now has more than 100 customers. The latest product to become part of the product suite is Merit Financial Services (MFS), which offers effective tools to optimize financial operations.

Debt collection is one of the tools, which makes invoice handling very effective. This not only saves time, but reduces financial costs, credit and leads to improved liquidity. All communication between Infor M3 and our collection partners happens automatically with updates both ways.

Another tool is automatic credit rating analysis. This is done using data from our partners that have been tested against the customer control of Infor M3. In the same simple way, it is possible to conduct financial analyzes. With a few keystrokes, you get clear and clear graphically appealing information about companies and groups of companies. Financial discrepancies are easy to find and with a further click it is possible to get in-depth information.

Like all our Merit Portal products, everything is managed through an optimized M3 interface which can be accessed from any device with a web browser.

If you have further questions or need to discuss the solution further - contact your customer contact or send an email to


  • Economy, Finance


  • infor
  • infor m3
  • merit bullets
  • merit
  • merit portal


Anders Thern

Press contact EVP Sales & Marketing Merit Globe +46 703791406