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H.R.H Princess Beatrix to open Van Gogh+Munch in Oslo

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H.R.H Princess Beatrix to open Van Gogh+Munch in Oslo

Her Royal Highness Princess Beatrix of the Netherlands will open the exhibition VanGogh+Munch at the Munch Museum in Oslo on 9th May 2015, in the company of Her Majesty Queen Sonja of Norway. The exhibition will for the first time present two of the world’s most important European artists: Vincent van Gogh and Edvard Munch – together for the first time.

The exhibition will be open to the public from the afternoon of the same day, and be shown at the Munch Museum until 6th September 2015.

Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890) and Edvard Munch (1863-1944) are two distinctive and influential artists. Both created art with a strong emotional content expressed via a personal and innovative style, and both lived troubled lives.This exhibition is unique because of its size and number of important artworks – among which are a number of iconic masterpieces as well as several special works that are rarely on display.

The exhibition will be rounded off with a section featuring works that the artists themselves considered significant, so that in a sense they function as an artistic testament. These works are gripping expressions of vital themes such as consolation, suffering, love, and the cycle of life. Works such as The Sick Child, The Scream, Wheatfield with Reaperand Starry Night over the Rhône underscore the kinship between the two artists on a deeper and more fundamental level.

Van Gogh+Munch is the result of a long-term collaborative project between the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam and the Munch Museum in Oslo. The two institutions administer,research and present the most important and largest collections in the world of works by Van Gogh and Munch respectively.

The official opening will be May 9 at 10:30. at the Munch Museum in Oslo .


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Munch Museum

The Munch Museum is a monographic art museum dedicated to the life and work of the Norwegian artist Edvard Munch. The museum has the world's largest collection of Munch's art – 28 000 artworks – giving the museum a unique position. The collection, together with Munch’s personal objects, tools, his private library and a number of photographs taken by the artist, was bequeathed by Edvard Munch to the City of Oslo upon his death.


Maren Lindeberg

Pressekontakt Kommunikasjonsrådgiver Presseansvarlig +47 45802648

Selena Sefany

Pressekontakt Senior Communications Advisor +4794280229

Edvard Munch - Norges viktigste bidrag til verdens kunsthistorie

22.oktober 2021 åpnet det nye MUNCH ved Oslos sjøkant, skreddersydd for store kunstopplevelser. Her kan du oppleve mer av Munch enn noen ganger før – på helt nye måter. Det nye museet tilbyr kunst og kultur i 13 etasjer, og skal inspirere alle til å komme tett på Munchs liv og kunst


Edvard Munchs plass 1
0194 Oslo

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