Dato 24. oktober 2012 08:00 – 14:00

Sted 24 October 2012 | Hotel Windsor Atlantica, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

NCEI Offshores workshop "Technology for subsea operations in deep waters" avholdes 24.oktober i Rio. Målet med workshopen er å knytte kontakter mellom norske leverandører og Petrobras. Arrangementet er et samarbeid mellom NCEI Offshore og Innovasjon Norge, og er åpent for alle. Programtekst: The systems governing the subsea installations are critical. The demand for increased productivity from wells developed with subsea installations is clearly expressed by the oil companies. Theme: optimal and safe subsea development for the deep waters. Focus: technical integrity, monitoring of subsea production, data handling and software. Workshop program: 09.00–14.00 1. Welcome Director Helle Moen, Innovation Norway 2. Integrated autonomous subsea operations, the Brasilian – Norwegian University Approach Professor dr. Décio Crisol Donha, Universidade de São Paulo Professor dr. Asgeir Sørensen, NTNU Applied Underwater Robotics Laboratory 3. Management of Integrated Operations, the new philosophy of Petrobras Senior engineer, Paulo Roberto Viana, E&P-ENGP/OPM/GIOp, Consultor Técnico, Petrobras 4. Instrumentation for optimized reservoir management Nils Braaten, Manager of technology Emerson Roxar 5. Testing and verification of software in subsea control systems Stein Eggan, CEO Marine Cybernetics 6. Asset Integrity Management Solutions for Reliable Subsea Operations Torbjørn Sotberg, Market Director, Force Technology 7. FPSO & SURF, the importance of proper interface management during FEED, project and operation Ketil Hanssen, Manager Turret and Subsea Engineering, Teekay Productions 8. Maintenance and logistics. Asset performance and life cycle costs Per Anders Koien, CEO Star Information System Spørsmål kan rettes til Gunn Kari Hygen, leder NCEI Offshore / +47 930 43 212


  • gass
  • olje
  • innovasjon norge
  • petrobras
  • brasil
  • olje og gass
  • offshore
  • næringsklynge
  • ncei offshore
  • nce instrumentation


Gunn Kari Hygen

Leder, NCEI Offshore 93043212

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