Pressemelding -

Rankingpoeng i WTF Taekwondo

Scoring Distribution:

G-1 Events: Medalists only

G-2 to G-4 Events: from Quarterfinals

G-12 Event: From Round (1/16)

G-8 and G-20 Events: All competitors

The number of points awarded to the athletes in each event, according to its rank:

G-1 Events: (Åpne stevner, universitets VM)
(1st) First: 10 points
(2nd) Second: 6 points
(3rd) 2 Third: 3.60 points

G -2 Events (Åpne stevner, Universade)
(1st) First: 20 points
(2nd) Second: 12 points
(3rd) Third: 7.20 points
(5th) Quarterfinals: 4.32 points

G-4 Events (EM,Grand Prix,Combat Games)
(1st) First: 40 points
(2nd) Second: 24 points
(3rd) Third: 14.40 points
(5th) Quarterfinals: 8.64 points

G-8 Event (Grand Prix finale)
(1st) First: 80 points
(2nd) Second: 48 points
(3rd) Third: 28.80 points
(5th) Quarterfinals: 17.28 points
(9th) round 1/16: 12.10 points
(17th) round 1/32: 8.47 points
(33 º) Round 1/64: 5.93 points
(65 °) Round 1/128: 4.15 points

G-12 Event (VM)
(1st) First: 120 points
(2nd) Second: 72 points
(3rd) Third: 43.20 points
(5th) Quarterfinals: 25.92 points
(9th) round 1/16: 18.14 points

G -20 Events (OL)
(1st) First: 200 points
(2nd) Second: 120 points
(3rd) Third: 72 points
(5th) Losers to bronze medalists: 43.20 points
(7th) losers in repechage: 30.24 points
(9th) Quarterfinalist who did not advance to repechage: 21.17 points
(11th) Losers in preliminary who did not advance to repechage: 14.82 points


  • Fritid

Norges Kampsportforbund (NKF) er det tiende største særforbundet under Norges idrettsforbund og olympiske og paralympiske komité (NIF). Forbundet er lokalisert på Ullevål stadion i Oslo. NKF organiserer over 20 kampidretter, hvorav karate, taekwondo, jujutsu, wushu og kendo er de fremste konkurranseidrettene.


Dag Jacobsen

Pressekontakt Sportssjef sportslig aktivitet 92255988