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BagoSphere Selected as Top 10 Finalists at SIF Young Social Entrepreneur Program

BagoSphere has emerged as one of the top 10 Social Enterprise ideas out of  43 teams from 9 countries at the recent Young Social Entrepreneur (YSE) Program: Inspiring and Enabling Action for a Better World. Ellwyn Tan, co-founder, represented BagoSphere. This event was organized by the Singapore International Foundation (SIF) from 29 Feb 2012 to 2 Mar 2012.

The program’s primary objective is to inspire and equip youths with the necessary skills to kick-start their social enterprises. After a 3-day workshop, 10 teams will be identified to receive mentorship by leading business consulting firms. They will also go on an overseas study visit to social enterprises in the region. Since its inception in 2010, it has nurtured successful social enterprises such as Soule, GeeBee, Rattan Khmer and YUMMAY.

This year’s program featured illustrious speakers from the entrepreneurial and social enterprise scene such as Ms. Elim Chew, founder of 77th Street, Mr. Chris Cusano, Executive Director of Ashoka Singapore and Mr. Mechai Viravaidya, Chairman of Mechai Viravaidya Foundation and Population and Development International (PDI). Part of the workshop also included participating in the SIF Ideas for a Better World Forum: Nurturing Generations of Social Entrepreneurs (29 Feb) at Suntec Convention Center, where Mr.  Viravaidya and a host of panelists from different sectors in Singapore discussed the philosophy of Social Enterprises with members of the public.

The workshop focused on exploring and crystalizing ideas into business plans and how to measure the social impact of a social enterprise. This was done through a series of lectures and facilitation sessions by MBA students and academics from INSEAD, the National University of Singapore and practitioners in the field.

The climax of the 3 days came at the end of the workshop, when teams competed for a mentorship program and an opportunity to pitch for seed funding. BagoSphere was assessed by Ms. Elim Chew and Mr. Mechai Viravaidya and was selected as one of the top 10 teams in 2012’s YSE program.

Throughout the eventful 3 days, we have made like-minded friends with many interesting ideas. It was inspiring to hear Mr Viravaidya’s story and seeing enthusiastic youths who are genuinely concerned about social problems and trying their best to address the societal needs. BagoSphere is looking forward to our first mentorship session and our study visit to PDI in Thailand or Ashoka in India.

Photo Credits: Singapore International Foundation


  • Teaching, Learning


  • competition
  • singapore
  • Singapore International Foundation
  • Mentorship

About BagoSphere

BagoSphere empowers youths to overcome poverty through sustainable youth development solutions. Based in Bago City, Philippines, we bridge the skill gap between education and job requirements. We believe that every youth, wherever they come from, can be employed in decent work – work that is constructive to their development, social integration and offers a fair income to break out of subsistence. We envision a world where every youth can pursue what they love, earn a good living and build a better future for the next generation.

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