Press release -

O’Learys closes the Nordic circle – opens a restaurant in Iceland

The Swedish restaurant and sports bar chain O’Learys is pleased to announce that it has signed an Agreement with local partners to open restaurants in Iceland. The first restaurant will open in the end of 2017 and there are ambitious plans to open several units in the next years to come. This partnership marks a natural step in O’Learys plan to grow the brand internationally.

With close to 100 units in the Nordic region, Iceland is a natural step to further grow the brand in Northern Europe. The first restaurant to open in Iceland will be situated in the popular shopping center Smáralind in the end of the year, and three to four more restaurants are planned to open in the next five years. The first O’Learys in Iceland will not only offer great food and a place to watch sports, but also shuffleboard and other activities.

O’Learys sees a great opportunity to introduce the Boston inspired brand in Iceland, offering a unique customer experience, both within food and beverage, but also within their successful concept where great food meets sports and activities.

- The Nordic market is important to us, therefore it’s very exciting for us to establish on the Icelandic market and we’re very happy to have found such an experienced and passionate partner to do so with. Also, a nation with just over 300 000 residents, who managed to qualify for the quarter final in the Football World Cup, is clearly something special and worth investing in, says Christian Bellander, CEO at O’Learys.

The franchisee Elís Arnason and his partners Þórhallur Arnórsson and Jónas Ôrn Jónasson see great potential in the opening of O’Learys in Iceland:

- O’Learys has a unique story and atmosphere, which I’m very happy to be a part of. I’m looking forward to opening and to offer the Icelandic people a new and great experience, which I think will be very appreciated. O’Learys in Iceland will be a place for families and friends to meet, to enjoy good food and to watch sports, says Elís Arnason, O’Learys Iceland franchisee.

For more information, please contact:

Christian Bellander, CEO O’Learys Trademark

Phone +46 70-856 03 75, e-mail


  • Sport


  • olearys iceland
  • expansion
  • boston inspired
  • nordic region
  • northern europe
  • learys,restaurant,sportsbar,o
  • swedish restaurant and sports bar
  • christian bellander
  • franchise

O’Learys Bar & Restaurant – is a Swedish franchise chain that was in 1988 in Gothenburg, Sweden by Jonas Reinholdsson and is run by O’Learys Trademark. Today, there are more than 120 restaurants in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Belgium, Spain, Hungary, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Singapore, China and Vietnam. The total revenue was 2016 more than 2,2 billion SEK. As a partner to the Sweden UN association, O’Learys runs the CSR program Meal4Meal, which, so far, has contributed with more than 1,8 million school meals in Etiopia and DR Congo. O’Learys core values are Fair, Passionate, Proud. More information can be found on


Lars Höglin

Press contact Brand Manager +46 72 194 96 52

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