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Projectplace gets a makeover!

We now aim to make Projectplace even more user friendly for our customers and on November 3rd our interface gets a new look.

We are very proud and of the utmost gratitude that so many of our loyal clientele have actively participated in this development. Besides all the great feedback we received on our Ideas Forum in June, we asked our users to get involved with Beta-testing for the new graphical interface. Our target was 150 clients, though 1500 promptly reported their interest!

As a result, we managed to gain a great sense of positive feedback as well as many useful suggestions which we have taken onboard and implemented.

The interface is more modern and visual for the users. The Projectplace functionality will not be impacted.


  • Data, Telecom, IT


Jane Kovacs

Press contact Global PR Manager +1 512 596 4582

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