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Salli team introduces itself - Sari

Hello – who are you and what are you doing in Salli?
- I am Sari, the Export Manager. Well what do I do, I hassle here and there around the world – but not in Scandinavia. So basically I take care of the export customers. I give face for Salli among our export customers.I travel a lot – and see a huge amount of airports, hotels, expo centers and customers' places around the world.

You are travelling around the world – could you tell a short funny memory from your travels in spring 2017?
- I could write a book about those… Seems like things just happen to me. What would I dare to say? Well the last one that happened to me is maybe a little bit embarrassing. In a Milan fair a man sat on a Salli (and you know how you sit with your legs quite wide apart…) and had his zipper open. I spent some seconds thinking should I just be quiet or say something…

How does the world take Salli?
- People around the world just fall in love with Salli chairs, when they try them for the first time.

Who is waiting you at home?
- My hubby is taking care of the home circus when I am away (which is a lot). We have 5 children – 2 sons and 3 daughters – a farm to take care of, and 2 dogs, a cat, 2 lizards and some fish. They all wait for me. When I open the front door  everybody wants to tell me all that happened while I was away, or what needs to be done, bought, fixed, taken… I always say that I should give all queuing numbers, also the animals!

What makes Salli the best?

- The riding-like sitting on a divided seat that is handmade in Finland – the best quality! Basically once you buy a Salli, and maybe get it re-upholsterd every 10 years, it lasts for the rest of your life.

How does Salli help people to be healthier?

- Salli forces you to sit in an upright position!

Whom would you give a Salli as a present?
- Well, many people would deserve Salli as a present, but just to mention one I would give Salli to the author Jojo Moyes. She for sure would need a Salli chair when writing long hours in front of her desk.


  • Furniture industry


Virpi Hakala

Press contact Communications Manager +358 50 449 3450

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