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IMS is ready for take-off

Satair Group’s Integrated Material Services (IMS) is poised to gain its first customers as detailed discussions with a number of major Airbus-operating airlines in Asia and Europe are nearing conclusion.

IMS was introduced last year as a strategic initiative by Satair Group. With an IMS solution the customer has the possibility to outsource the purchasing and planning of their entire inventories to Satair Group. The solution is conceived as an innovative new managed supply chain service offering to the airline aftermarket. Joint Airbus and Satair experience over the years provides a wealth of experience in planning, procurement, distribution, quality and engineering that IMS will leverage. Satair Group has ramped this up on a big scale to include all expendable parts providing a cost-effective material management service to airlines.

Stefan Stolzki, HO Integrated Material Services in Hamburg explained that Satair Group is responding to an airline market trend with IMS. “Airlines are pushing OEMs and Suppliers to take more responsibility,” stated Stefan. “They want them to build more robust aftermarket solutions.”

“Airlines want to focus on their core business of flying people and frankly don’t want the pain any more of having to manage materials even though they know it is very important. What they want is for someone to manage this and ensure total availability when and where they need it and to do this with them in a long-term partnership.”

IMS is not an ‘off-the-shelf solution’; it is developed in close collaboration with the airline as both a customer and a partner.

Stefan adds, “We work with the customer, look at their strategy, their processes, their maintenance planning, their ways of working and then develop solutions together with them to add real value. This also helps to provide a more seamless transition of supply chain responsibilities.”

IMS is a flexible, fully-customised solution and airlines will pick and choose those aspects which deliver real benefit to them, though there will be some common elements that most customers are seeking.

Satair Group employees will be embedded with the different airlines to team with the customer in all aspects of forecasting, planning, order management and logistics. This is a customer-focused service that is tailored to the exact needs of the customer.

Working together like this will provide joint process improvements helping both IMS and the customer to increase efficiency, reduce cost and add further value as defined by the customer.

IMS is very close to having agreements in place with its first customers. IMS will leverage its' new brand recognition activelyin the marketplace to steadily increase the number of airlines every year. As each new customer presents their requirements to IMS, the coverage of products, services and process capabilities will increase to enhance the total portfolio.


  • Transport


  • 2016


Annette Kotter

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