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New 'Fuelproof' Smart Test Disrupts the Market

Satair is on a digital journey. We are not only in the midst of a digital transformation ourselves – we are also seeing transformations in the businesses of our partners and customers. One recent example is Conidia Biosience Ltd with whom Satair has a long-standing global aviation distributorship.

Conidia Bioscience, manufacturers of the FUELSTAT® range of product for the rapid detection of microbial contamination in jet fuel, has entered a new phase with the introduction by the UK-based company of its latest development of FuelStat - the recently launched FUELSTAT® Result.

Microbiological contamination can result in blocked fuel systems, damaged fuel probes and corroded tanks. If left untreated, repair and replacement costs of millions of dollars can result. Furthermore, traditional detection methods are time-consuming with oil samples analysed in a controlled environment, taking several days. Treating fuel tanks on a precautionary basis with an approved biocide to kill off microbes is costly but also risks creating microbial resistance to the biocide.

FuelStat uses the immunoassay techniques as used in pregnancy testing to rapidly detect the microorganisms that can thrive and do damage to fuel systems. A small sample of fuel gives a negligible, low, or high contamination reading, corresponding to the limits laid down in IATA guidance.

In line with Satair’s strong move into digitalisation the new FuelStat Result offering from Conidia features a free downloadable app that enables a smartphone to scan the test sample and automatically receive the result from where the data is exportable to anywhere the airline or MRO requires.

The partnership between Satair and Conidia has been very successful for both companies utilising fully Satair’s global reach and sales network. It demonstrates Satair’s ability to work with smaller, innovative companies that are disrupting the established markets.

IATA, with whom Conidia is a strategic partner, strongly recommends the testing of each aircraft fuel tank for microbiological contamination at least once a year and part of Satair’s role is to ensure that customers who adopt Fuelstat regularly test all the aircraft types in their fleets systematically. 

Please contact Satair Product Manager Jeppe D. Nielsen at for further information.


  • Transport


  • satair
  • 2018


Annette Kotter

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