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4light - brilliant display at senior trade shows

In the weekend March 21-22, 4light took part in a trade show at Västerås in Sweden, focusing on trhe needs of our senior citizens. As usual, the new product Firefly Backpack got a lot of attention. But 4light also took the opportunity to show their safety harness - after all some seniors are motorcycle drivers, so they should use the Biker harness!

The success at Västerås led to the decision that 4light should take part in more of the senior trade shows, and this past weekend the CEO Tezha Mohjajeri with an assistant were present at the trade show at Helsingborg, in the south of Sweden.

Firefly Backpack is perfect for cyclists - job commuters or school children. The rucksack may at present be bought at the webshop, for delivery later in April


  • Arbetsmiljö


  • 4light
  • bygg
  • led
  • mc
  • personlig säkerhet
  • trafikolycka

4light - brilliant innovations to save lives


Sten Löfgren

Presskontakt Styrelseordförande Kommunikation och investerarkontakter +46 (0)708905959

Tezha Mohajeri

Presskontakt VD 4lights verksamheten i stort +46 (0)734086685