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Accumulate listed as one of Sweden's hottest technology companies

The magazines Ny Teknik and Affärsvärlden has listed the mobile payment and mobile security provider Accumulate, as one of the hottest technology companies in Sweden.


Stockholm, Sweden – March 25, 2010. The Swedish technology magazine Ny Teknik and business magazine Affärsvärlden have presented the list of Sweden’s “33 hottest technology companies 2010”.
Accumulate, with its mobile security platform for mobile payments and mobile security, is listed as one of the companies on this year's list. The list contains the hottest companies in the technology fields of energy, IT, materials, medical and environment. Characteristic of the companies on the list is that they are young, innovative technology companies, with great international potential and the ability to change the rules of the game in its market.

“We are very proud of this appointment, especially when it spans the entire technology arena and with so many nominations. Our patented technology for payment and identification with mobile arouses great interest internationally. Soon we will be able to present new and exciting wins in both mobile payments and secure login using mobiles,” says Stefan Hultberg, CEO of Accumulate.

Accumulate is a leading provider of connected mobile solutions. The company markets two mobile platforms, and currently has more than 11 million users:

Mobile Everywhere - secure transactions for payment and identification via mobile phones.
Flexion - payment and user right solutions for trading of services and products via mobile phones.


Examples of mobile solutions based on these platforms:

  • Mobile payments (POS, person-to-person, Internet, vending machines, etc.)
  • Secure credit card payments.
  • Secure login.
  • Information services (ex. balance, transaction history, membership points).
  • Ticketing, loyalty cards, purchase codes/links.
  • Secure signing of transactions and contracts.
  • Electronic ID.
  • Flexible licensing for purchases to mobile phones.
  • Control of access rights for the acquisition and use of applications on mobile phones.


More information
Stefan Hultberg, +46 70 350 5704,
Lars Aase, +46 70 144 1822,


  • Företagande


  • accumulate
  • mobile payment
  • mobile security
  • security token
  • mobile technology


  • Utanför Sverige

Accumulate is a leading provider of secure online solutions for mobile. The company's patented technology offers solutions such as, mobile payment services, secure credit card and security services using your mobile for secure authentication, login and electronic signing.

For more information visit


Stefan Hultberg

Presskontakt CEO General Management +46 70-3505704