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Children dream of a family of their own!

How can we learn from each other to safeguard the Rights of the Child?

What is the experience in this field in Sweden and in other countries?

April 23 and 24 200 participants from 20 countries meet i Stockholm for a Conference: “ADOPTION FOR THE RIGHT REASONS; an option for permanency” - arranged by the European adoption association EurAdopt.
On the agenda: Exchange of experiences and presentations by international experts from England, Colombia, kenya, iceland, Italy, Rwanda, South Africa, Finland and Spain on adoption issues and Mrs. Maria Larsson, the Swedish Minister for Children and Elderly.
Experts and practitioners in the field of permanency planning and child welfare from Europe as well as a number of countries of origin, where the EurAdopt member organisations cooperate will attend the meeting.

The conference takes part at Piperska Muren ( )in Stockholm.

The program will be divided into three sub-topics:

- The importance of “The 1993 Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption“ to safeguard the best interests of the child; good practices in intercountry adoption, challenges and the need for improvements.

- Post adoption services and support as an integral part of a successful adoption. How to best support the adoptee’s and the adoptive family’s needs.

- Domestic adoption contra long term foster care; challenges and experiences.

The program can be downloaded here.

EurAdopt is an association of adoption organisations in 12 Western European countries. Since the late 1970-ies a number of European organisations working in the area of intercountry adoptions have met regularly to discuss topics of common concern.  In 1991 it was decided to formalize this cooperation, and in 1993 EurAdopt was established. The association presently has member organizations in Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Norway, Spain and Sweden. Up to 4,000 children receive new homes each year through these organisations.

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  • Politik


  • adoptions
  • foster care
  • un convention on the rights of the child
  • european co-operation

Adoptionscentrum was founded in 1969 and has three main areas of activities. 25 000 children from over 50 countries have acquired a new family through Adoptionscentrum.

Adoptionscentrum is currently working with authorities and non governmental organisations (NGO’s) in over 20 countries.

Adoptionscentrum is a non-profit members' organisation with more than 5000 member families, the majority of whom are adoptive parents. These are organised into 24 regional subdivisions throughout Sweden. Adoptionscentrum has through international development cooperation contributed to more than 120 different projects in more than 20 countries.


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