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Children’s Rights is every company’s responsibility

That quote comes from the Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt who is the keynote speaker at the 3rd World Youth and Child Forum, WYCF at the Royal Castle in Stockholm. An event hosted by the King and Queen of Sweden, today the 22 of March 2013.

Bactiguard CEO, Christian Kinch and Vice President Linda Nyberg is attending the WYCF. A forum which will discuss how companies can improve and enhance childrens right’s all over the world.

Representatives from the UN, Save the Children International, international diplomats is some of the guests present in the Royal castle together with companies like Nike, Google, IKEA and Bactiguard.

“I think it is important that companies like Bactiguard who are represented in many countries are involved in the work for children’s rights globally. I think the King and Queen of Sweden has made a great platform for this work with WYCF, and it highlights the importance of how business and the rest of the society has to work closely in this important matter”, says CEO Christian Kinch, Bactiguard.

Minister for Children and the elderly is one of them, asked by the King and Queen to discuss the situation for Children in Sweden.

About 500 delegates from all over the world will work in workshops this afternoon in order to hopefully start discussions and projects for a better world for the citizens of tomorrow: the children.


  • Medicinsk forskning


  • bactiguard; infection control; infektionskontroll; bip;
  • förhindra sjukhussjuka; bactiguard; rädda liv;
  • world child and youth forum
  • wcyf
  • linda nyberg
  • christian kinch

Bactiguard är ett snabbt växande svenskt medicinteknikföretag, som tillverkar och exporterar ett patenterat ytskikt för infektionskänsliga produkter. Bactiguard®-behandlade urinvägskatetrar är marknadsledare i USA och Japan, länder med stora krav på sin sjukvård. Bactiguard har de senaste åren expanderat sin verksamhet till nya marknader, såsom EU, Kina och Mellan Östern, med ett starkt fokus på forskning och utveckling. Bactiguards portfölj omfattar dels BIP CIP – ett koncept för infektionskontroll samt katetrar belagda med Bactiguard®-ytan för urin-, luft och blodvägar.


Ulrika Berglund

Presskontakt Head of External Affairs Communication, IR and Public Affairs +46 708800407