Launch of the report “Baltic 2030: Bumps on the Road”

Event date 14 June 2018 09:30 – 11:30

Location CBSS Secretariat Slussplan 9 Gamla Stan Stockholm

We have the pleasure to announce that the Council of the Baltic Sea States – Baltic 2030 is launching the report “Baltic 2030: Bumps on the Road” on implementing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) in the Baltic Sea Region.

The CBSS would like to give you the opportunity to learn more about the report, and how we can support the work of Baltic Sea Region countries in achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals. This will also be one of the points discussed at the CBSS Foreign Ministers Meeting, chaired by Margot Wallström, which will take place on the 18th June 2018 in Stockholm.

We hereby invite you to the CBSS Secretariat in Gamla, Stan, Stockholm, on14 June 2018, to hear more about the report and our work. The author of the report, Mr. Sven Beyersdorff, will introduce the results of the analysis and answer your questions. Furthermore, the Head of the Baltic 2030 Unit Ms. Krista Kampus, will provide updated information regarding the work of the CBSS in the field of sustainable development and the 2030 Agenda implementation.

How to implement the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development and tackle adverse effects from climate change is, even more, pressing today than back in 2015 when the UN Members adopted the Sustainable Development Goals. The ‘Baltic 2030: Bumps on the Road’ report provides an overview of the 2030 Agenda implementation in the Baltic Sea Region, aimed at informing strategy and prioritization discussions for national and regional collaboration. Performance on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is examined across the region’s eleven countries, while five selected SDGs are discussed at the indicator level. Based on this analysis and extensive stakeholder involvement., the report recommends seven avenues for action where the CBSS and the Nordic Council of Ministers can contribute to the Agenda 2030. 

The report was commissioned by the Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS) and is jointly published by CBSS and the Nordic Council of Ministers (NCM). The report was drafted by the Nordic Sustainability advisory firm and follows the previous Bumps on the Road to 2030 report published by the NCM in 2017.

For more information on the report see here.

Register your interest with Anthony Jay Olsson ( by 13 June 2018.


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