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Mässingsskylt till Mexikanska Ambassaden Djursholm

Under slutet av 2012 inledde Clarex ett samarbete med Mexikanska ambassaden,för att ta fram en skylt med information om byggnaden där ambassaden håller till.
Nedan finner ni recensionen samt bilder på mässingsskylten, från Jose Luis Hernandez,Coordinador Administrativo på mexikanska ambassaden.

In 2012, the Mexican Residence, listed as Swedish historic property,went through major conservation works funded by the Mexican Government andaimed at better preserving the building that has become a symbol of the wonderful longstanding cooperation between Mexico and Sweden.

To successfully conclude of this process, I asked the recommendations fromClarex to create a properly metal plate for the house.Due to the high importance of the relations between both countries,it should be very very special.
I visited two times Clarex office and I met Sandra, and it is the beginning of the constant,fast and qualified work to find the best options.

I appreciate a lot the confident and something important to the Mexican people:the service and creative attitude from Sandra to built the plateSomething curios is the language: Sandra speaks Swedish and I speak Spanish,but the qualified cooperation allow us to create a great job. I don´t howI can said this in Swedish, but it is a one of my best experiences of my job at Mexican Embassy in Sweden.


  • Bygg, fastighet


  • metall skylt
  • metall skyltar
  • metallskyltar


Robert Renz

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