Pressmeddelande -

Call to the Swedish government to ban wild animals in circuses

A petition against wild animals in circuses was submitted on Tuesday afternoon over to the Swedish government. More than 150 000 people had signed the petition launched by Djurens Rätt (Animal Rights Sweden) and the news site Newsner.

The petition has accumulated more signatures than any other in Djurens Rätt’s 134-year history and now the organization hopes for a legislative amendment. Two heavy bodies - the Swedish Veterinary Association and the appointed expert group that in 2011 presented their proposals for a new Animal Protection Law - have already proposed a ban on elephants and sea lions in circuses because these animals' natural behavior can not be satisfied.

–  The government has a great prospect to gain support for a ban on wild animals in circuses. The issue has strong support among the public, in Parliament and from both Swedish and European experts. We can also see an international trend towards more and more countries banning wild animals in circuses, says Camilla Björkbom, president of Djurens Rätt.

Around twenty countries in the world have already banned wild animals in circuses, and some, such as Mexico, Malta and Greece have banned all animals in the circus.

The petition was received by the special adviser Maja Brännvall at the Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation together with a letter.

More pictures from the submission are available at


  • cirkus

Djurens Rätt är Sveriges största djurrätts- och djurskyddsorganisation med omkring 40 000 medlemmar. Vi är partipolitiskt obundna och arbetar för ett en värld där djur respekteras som kännande individer med rätt till sina egna liv. Djurens Rätt är beroende av frivilligt stöd för att kunna hjälpa djuren.


Moa Richter Hagert

Presskontakt Kommunikationsansvarig Press och kommunikation 070-649 20 41

Camilla Björkbom


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