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Edenred’s lunch benefit Rikskuponger will offer over 120 000 card holders to use Samsung Pay!

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Edenred’s lunch benefit Rikskuponger will offer over 120 000 card holders to use Samsung Pay!

As the beta version of Samsung Pay is launched in Sweden, Rikskuponger is proud to be a partner. Having recently completed the digitalisation of its business, and with a string of new health and loyalty projects going on, the partnership fits in well with the company’s service offering. The fact that it gives over 120,000 users a simple and secure way to pay for their lunch using their mobile also underlines Rikskuponger’s ambition: to be at the forefront in introducing smart, user-friendly technology.

Sweden next in line 

Samsung Pay already exists in 11 markets including the US, China, South Korea and Spain. As Sweden’s turn arrives Samsung and Rikskuponger have chosen to join forces. “For Samsung it is important that our innovations are meaningful to our users. With Samsung Pay we are not only introducing a simple and smart way to pay, we are also offering a digital wallet that works almost everywhere. Together with Rikskuponger which has 120 000 card holders we are truly facilitating the life of many swedes by offering them a simple and secure way to pay for their lunch by using Samsung Pay.” says Oscar Nöjd, Product Manager Mobile at Samsung Electronics Nordic AB.

Simple, secure and fast payments

It is easy to add your Rikskuponger card in the Samsung Pay app. To pay, you simply hold your device (mobile or tablet) against the payment terminal and then confirm with your fingerprint. This, coupled with a unique security code, makes each transaction secure. As the technology is based on tokenisation, no card details are saved, either on the device or by Samsung.

Welcome to better lunch habits – now truer than ever!

“Rikskuponger contributes with more than SEK 2 billion annually to the restaurant industry. If you break that down by the number of daily transactions it becomes clear that there is much to gain from using a more efficient paymentmethod. For some time now we have been communicating “Welcome to better lunch habits”, and today this feelstruer than ever. We are confident that our card holders are hungry for a good lunch and for Samsung Pay. Once you’ve tried using a contactless payment solution the physical card feels somewhat redundant”, says Johan Ehrén, Marketing Director at Edenred Sweden/Rikskuponger. 

Samsung Pay works on Galaxy A5 (16) A5 (17), S7, S7 edge och Gear S3. Go to samsung.se/pay for a complete list of compatible devices.


Edenred, which invented the Ticket Restaurant® meal voucher and is the worldwide leader in employee benefits, designs and manages solutions that improve the efficiency of organizations and purchasing power to individuals. Listed on the Euronext Paris stock exchange, Edenred operates in 42 countries, with close to 8,000 employees, 750,000 companies and public sector clients, 1,4 million affiliated merchants and 43 million beneficiaries. In 2016, total issued volume amounted to almost €20 billion. Ticket Rikskuponger, Ticket Elevkortet and Delicard are all trademarks that belong to Edenred Sweden AB.


Alf Reimers

Alf Reimers

Presskontakt Director of Marketing & Innovation +46 70 1986794
Hélène Podsadni Nilsson

Hélène Podsadni Nilsson

Presskontakt General Manager +46 72 14 67 944

Må bra-konton som hjälper företag och anställda att växa!

Edenred är en ledande digital plattform för tjänster och betalningar för människor på jobbet som kopplar ihop över 60 miljoner användare och 2 miljoner partners i 45 länder via cirka 1 miljon företagskunder.

Edenred erbjuder specifika betalningslösningar för mat (som måltidsförmåner), incitament (som presentkort, plattformar för engagemang för anställda), mobilitet (som multi-energi, underhåll, vägtullar, parkering och pendlingslösningar) och företagsbetalningar (som t ex virtuella kort).

Lösningarna, som alla syftar till att möjliggöra koncernens motto ”Enrich connections. For good.”, ökar användarnas välbefinnande och köpkraft. De förbättrar företagens attraktionskraft och effektivitet och vitaliserar arbetsmarknaden och den lokala ekonomin. De främjar också tillgång till hälsosammare mat, mer miljövänliga produkter och en friare rörlighet. Edenreds 12 000 anställda är engagerade i att göra arbetsvärlden till ett uppkopplat ekosystem som är säkrare, effektivare och mer ansvarsfullt.

Tack vare de globala tekniska tillgångarna förvaltade koncernen 2023 nära 41 miljarder euro i affärsvolym, främst via appar, onlineplattformar och kort.

Edenred är noterat på Euronext Paris-börsen och ingår i följande index: CAC 40, CAC 40 ESG, CAC Large 60, Euronext 100, Euronext Tech Leaders, FTSE4Good, and MSCI Europe.


Liljeholmsstranden 3
10540 Stockholm