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Beyond the Phish® Report

Proofpoint - In our deepest and most wide-ranging report yet, we explore user knowledge of a broad range of best practices for cyber hygiene, security and compliance. The report analyses millions of responses gathered from our Security Education Platform.

Our latest Beyond the Phish® Report includes:

  • Data from nearly 130 million questions answered by customers’ end users
  • Users’ understanding of 14 cybersecurity topics
  • Two new categories: users’ understanding of unintentional and malicious insider threats and a view of executives’ cybersecurity knowledge
  • Knowledge comparisons across 16 industries and common business departments


  • Datorer, datateknik, programvaror


  • proofpoint

Exclusive Networks är en global distributör som är specialiserad på cybersecurity och cloud lösningar – två viktiga och etablerade områden som är beroende av varandra i den digitala eran. Till stöd för detta finns bästa tänkbara leverantörer. Detta tillsamman med vår kompetens och en rad tjänster så som utbildning, professional services, finansiering, och global logistik är vi en värdeadderande distributör. Med kontor på fem kontinenter och närvaro i över 100 länder så har Exclusive Networks en unik ”local sale, global scale” modell. Detta ger partners en möjlighet till global räckvidd, samtidigt som man får en specialiserad lokal distributör som ger det lilla extra. Läs mer på

Exclusive Group is building the world’s biggest specialist VAD in cybersecurity and cloud transformation. Through its best-in-class portfolio of market leaders and disruptive challeng-ers, unique reputation for innovative technology expertise, and global services and logistics infrastructure, Exclusive Group creates opportunities across the channel ecosystem by bridg-ing skills gaps in cyber and cloud. With 50+ offices across five continents, and presence in over 100 countries, Exclusive Group is the global value-added services and technologies (VAST) group with a hybrid distribution model that is optimised for volume but differenti-ated by value. Find out more at


Patrik Tamker

Presskontakt Country Manager Sweden 0706183417

Mia Norrby

Presskontakt Marketing Manager 0760522239